Chapter Fifthteen: Prisoner

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-Bi-Han's POV- The dungeon level of the castle smells of sulfur and death. After shoving a food tray into the only occupied cell and moving Scorpion's shackles to his ankles, I exit the dungeon.

Scorpion appeared to be asleep, his head hanging and letting out ragged breaths. Serves him right.
The main part of the castle above the dungeon is empty and cold, despite the fact that it is in the middle of the Netherrealm.
"Uncle?" A soft voice echoes behind me.
Kana exits his room, rubbing his eyes and looking like he had just woken up.

"Hello, my little Hydromancer. What are you doing up? You should rest."
"Sorry," He looks down, his grey hair a mess. "I...just miss Papa."
"I'm sure your father is fine, Kana. We will begin your training tomorrow, so go back to bed." I kneel down and tussle his hair.
He smiles, leans forward to peck my cheek, and runs back to his room, closing the door in his wake.
-Kuai's POV- I stare up at the ceiling, feeling anxious. How long will I be able to keep up the child act? Is Hanzo alright? Is Kana hurt? I shut my eyes tightly.
The shackle around my ankle begins to chafe my skin as I tug against it. The metallic scrape of the heavy metal door opening causes me to immediately let go of the chain and pick at the icicles on my hands.

Bi-Han enters, his revenant appearance looking more prominent, with the skin around his eyes darkening. "Did you get more rest, Kuai?" He asks, setting a tray of food down on the bed.

"Not really," I admit, looking down at the tray. A bowl of what looks like oatmeal and a glass of water causes me to look up at Bi-Han.
"Go on," He motions to the bowl. "Eat. You must be hungry."
"You didn't poison it, did you?" I ask.
Bi-Han rolls his eyes. (I think. It's really hard to tell when he doesn't have any visible iris.)
"Now why would I poison my precious baby brother? Really, Kuai...I thought you had more sense."
I grumble, picking up the spoon and shoving a spoonful in my mouth. Judging by the taste, it's cream of wheat. Nothing I can really choke on, even if I tried.

My eye twitches at the somewhat bitter, almost chalky taste, but I eat it anyway. It tastes kind of like bitter almonds. Bi-Han watches me eat, his head tilted.
"Do you need help?"
"What?" I ask with a mouthful of the porridge.
"You look like you're struggling."
"I don't need help," I stammer, my cheeks burning. "I can feed myself." "Really?" Bi-Han teases, grabbing the spoon and scooping up the last bit of porridge. He holds it up to my face.

Tears burn in my eyes as I embarrassingly eat the last spoonful. Bi-Han is probably grinning behind the mask. The sudden urge to sleep floods me like a tsunami. Looks like the porridge wasn't poisonous, it was drugged.

"B-Bi-Han..." I reach out to him as my sight blurs. He grabs the back of my head and lays me down in bed. "Shh. Now you'll get some sleep. Just relax and let the sleeping pill take over."
'A sleeping pill,' I giggle as the drug flows into my bloodstream, making me loopy. 'Hah. How could I be so dumb?'
"But I'm...not sleepy..." I giggle again, my eyelids feeling like cement. If Bi-Han had said anything else, I didn't hear it. The sound of the torch crackling and my breathing blurs together as I fall under again.
-Hanzo's POV- "Kuai!" I yell, banging the metal bowl from the food tray on the stone floor to make noise.
"Kana!" Once again, my yelling just echoes back to me.

Gripping one of my Kunai, I stab at the shackle around my ankle to try and get it loose. With an angry yell, I toss the Kunai aside.
"Oh, Hanzo, look at what you've gotten yourself into."
My eyes widen. I know that voice inside my head.
"Did you really think you could let go of me so easily? Look at yourself! You are in a place where you were reborn! Let me through, Hanzo. Tap into your vengeance once again."

"No! No..the last time that happened...." Those Lin Kuei cyborgs I ripped to shreds. Scaring Kana. Letting the hellfire ignite.
"Okay," I stare at the bars of my prison. "I'll let you loose."

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