Chapter Fourteen: Golden Heart And Cold Hands

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-Hanzo's POV- My head pounds as I stir awake. The feeling of cold chains holding my arms up and the scent of burning sulfur jolts me awake. I cough, glancing around the stuffy area. I'm chained to a wall in a cave with bars at the entrance.

How long have I been knocked out? Where is Kuai? Is he alright? Is Kana safe? Many thoughts race through my mind as I struggle with the chains. My back aches from being slouched down in a sitting position on the stone floor for who knows how long.
My entire body aches from the beat down I endured.
"Kuai!" I yell, choking on the stuffy air.
"Kuai!" My yell echoes back as it bounces off the stone walls of my prison.
-Kuai's POV- I moan, stirring awake to the feeling of my head aching. Opening my eyes, I see that I'm in a dark room. Light comes from a single torch on the stone wall. I blink and look down to see that I am laying in a bed. The yellow robe I once had on is missing, exposing my frostbite covered chest.

I try to sit up, but quickly realize that I can't. The sound of chains rattling snaps me out of my foggy state. Silver cuffs grip my wrists with the chains connecting to the top bed frame. I yelp, tugging at the chains to no avail.
"I would not advise that, Tundra." My heart freezes over. Once again, Bi-Han melts out from the shadows. "Rest a bit longer, little brother." He purrs.

"Wh-what? Bi-Han...? Where are we? Why am I chained to a bed?" I ask in the most innocent voice I can muster.
"All will be explained in due time, Kuai. I'm surprised you haven't mentioned Kana or Scorpion."
I furrow my brows and look at my older brother.
"Who is Kana?" I ask.
Bi-Han snorts. "Oh, wow. It looks like I hit you a bit too hard. Ah, no matter. This'll make things a whole lot easier."

I set my mouth in a firm line, hiding the fact that I'm gritting my teeth. Hopefully pretending that I lost my memory works on him. 'You want me to act like a baby brother?' I think. 'Fine. I'll be your baby brother...'
Thank God neither Hanzo or Kana are here to witness this.
I sniff, letting out a small and high-pitched sob.
"For the love of...what's wrong, Kuai?" Bi-Han demands.

"These shackles hurt my wrists!" I whine.
Bi-Han groans, pacing the stone floor in front of the bed. "What? Do you want them off? Would that make you stop whining?"
"Y-yes...big brother." I answer timidly, trying my best to sound like my younger self.
He sighs, stalking over to my bedside and fiddling with the cuffs.

"Where did you get that injury?" He asks, glancing at the healing stab wound with the loose gauze still on my lower rib cage.
"I dunno," I shrug, still keeping up the childish act while being grateful that the wound no longer hurts.

"Here, let me check it." He places his hand over the wound, wanting to remove the gauze. I shriek, turning my body away from him and sobbing into my shoulder. "Nooo!" I cry. "It still hurts! Don't touch it!"
"Okay! Okay! Just—stop crying. Please stop."
I look over at him and try to hide my surprise. Bi-Han...looks sad. Almost remorseful.
"Why are you keeping me here?" I ask, rubbing my wrists as the cuffs come off.
'And where are you keeping Hanzo?' I want to add, but hold my tongue.

I flinch when he touches my frostbite covered chest.
He ignores my question as he examines my weak state. "You were coughing up ice fragments. You are ill." Yeah, no kidding. I bite down the string of insults building up in my throat. 'Keep up the child act,' I remind myself.

I shiver. "Bi-Han." I cough, a small cloud of mist coming from my mouth. "You mentioned Scorpion. Why? Is he here?"
He looks at me still in bed and wipes away a tear that slides down my cheek. "That is none of your concern. Just rest, baby brother. Remain in bed until I return."
He grabs one of the cuffs and secures it around my ankle to a chain wrapped around the lower bed frame.

With that said, he walks over to the steel door that's the only exit to the room. He exits, closing the door with a metallic bang.

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