Chapter Twenty-One: Hunter And Prey

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-Bi-Han's POV- The moon hangs high overhead as I walk alone down the Lin Kuei Temple and towards the woods. Despite Hanzo's complaints, I told him to stay back with Raiden and Kana. Kuai said he wants me alone. I might as well keep my promise.

I scan the crisp snow to look for footprints. But no prints have broken the snow that shines like tiny diamonds in the moonlight. I take in a deep breath, entering the woods. "Okay, Kuai." I call out, stopping near a large tree and leaning against it.
"I'm here and I'm alone, just like you said."

I wait for a response, any type of noise. Nothing. It's completely still. "Kuai, please. Just answer. Please, please answer. I want to talk to you."
A branch weighed down by snow above me creaks. I look up. Kuai looks down at me, grinning. He is perched on the large branch like a gargoyle, with his feet and icicle claws digging into the bark.

"Aw," He tilts his head, his eyes reflecting the moonlight gently. "You really do care, big brother."
Kuai lays on his stomach, the icicles poking out of his back and spine appearing jagged like his claws. His pants are ripped at the knees and expose his legs and feet. His feet are also covered in ice and clawed.
"Kuai....get—get down here. I want to speak face to face." I back up a few steps.
He stares down at me, his grin not fading. Kuai giggles and leaps down, landing quietly in the snow in front of me. Now that he is closer, I see that his eyes are no longer completely blue. They have hints of purple in them, like tiny bits of amethyst stuck in sapphire. This is probably a side effect of the surge of  power.

"You kept your promise," He whispers, his claws clicking together. "Bi-Han....this power, it's amazing. I'm so full of energy."
I need to think of my next actions carefully. One wrong move and Kuai might snap. That Medallion spiked up his power, perhaps even surpassing my strength. I am treading dangerously thin ice.

"I'm....happy about that, Kuai." I say. His eerie blue-purple eyes widen. "Really, Brother?" He exhales, his breathing sounding rough, like his lungs are frozen over. "Yes," I nod. Kuai smiles, looking up at me with genuine happiness.
-Kuai's POV- My heart races in my chest. Bi-Han supports me! Tears well up in my eyes.
"Brother!" I cry, hugging him and breathing in his familiar scent. Bi-Han stiffens up before hugging me back, his arms wrapped around my waist to avoid the spikes on my back and spine.

"I knew you would support me," I openly weep. "I just knew you would." "Of course, little brother."
"Here," I dig into my pocket and pull out the thawed cherry blossom, freezing it solid again. He lets go and stares down at the frozen pink flower cradled in my claws. "Um, thank you." He takes the small flower, a look of confusion in his eyes.

"Why did you give this to me?" He asks. I smile, circling him. "Because I love you, brother. You accept the fact that I'm stronger now. Hanzo doesn't see that. Where is he, anyway?" I narrow my eyes, standing in front of him again.
"That is none of your concern, Kuai." Bi-Han almost snaps.

I feel wounded, placing a clawed hand over my racing heart. "Are you keeping secrets from me? From your own brother?"
"No, Kuai—"
"How..." I pant, feeling the icicles on my back flare up in anger. "DARE YOU!" I snarl, crouching down like a wild animal, teeth bared.
Bi-Han backs up, holding his sickle in his hand.
"Kuai, listen to me."
"No! How can I trust you?! Are you siding with Hanzo? Did you keep your promise just to take away my power? Is that it?" I yell.

"What? No! Of course not, Kuai." Bi-Han sounds genuinely upset. He takes a few steps closer to me. I begin to relax, the icicles lowering but still tense.
"It's okay, baby brother." He croons, holding his hand out. I take it and see Bi-Han wince at how cold and strong my grip is. Now standing at full height, I look into his pure white eyes, scanning them for any sign of lying.

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