Chapter Six: Blizzard Of Rage

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-Kuai's POV- I pant as I melt the ice daggers in my grip. "Hah, well done," I grin.
Hanzo puts his Kunai away, looking somewhat out of breath. "You see, Kana," Hanzo circles me. Kana watches us fight from sitting on the grass mat near the main training ground in the large room.

"When battling someone, you must never take your eyes off of an enemy. One wrong mistake and your blood will be splattered on the floor."
I hear Kana gasp from the other side of the room.
"Sub-Zero! Get out here!" My heart stops.
"Frost," I whisper. I whirl around to face Hanzo.
"Get Kana deeper into the temple." Hanzo nods, running over to the boy.

"What? Papa? What's going on? Who is that lady?"
"Just stay inside, Kana. Let me handle this." I storm outside and throw the temple doors open with a violent bang. My old student glares at me from the bottom of the temple steps. Despite now being a cyborg, she still retains some of her human features.

"I thought I told you to stay away, Frost." I spat.
"You always doubted me, Sub-Zero. I've been planning my revenge for years since you exiled me!"
"I exiled you because you were a danger to the clan!" I shout, feeling my arms gloss over with hardened ice and sharp icicles out of anger.

"But you," I jab an icicle covered finger at her direction. "You let the power get to your head, you attacked me! There will never be a future where you are Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei!"
I see her hands curl into fists at her sides.
"Do you really think you can live forever, Kuai? You're getting old. You will die one day and the Lin Kuei will be gone. Look at yourself! You have no lover, no heir! No one to pass on the title."

The icicles become more jagged.
"But I have an ally."
Frost swells up in anger. "And yet you became all buddy with that Shirai Ryu filth!"
I notice an army of Lin Kuei cyborgs march up from the snowy hill behind Frost. I grit my teeth.
Kana. I must protect him.

Hanzo appears next to me from his signature fire tornado, his mask and hood on and gripping his Kunai tightly. "Frost," Hanzo growls.
"Why is this Shirai Ryu here?" Frost demands.
"Why do you suddenly care?" I shot back.
A Lin Kuei cyborg stands next to Frost.
"We detect another heat signature within the temple. They are not alone." The cyborg states.

"Another?" Frost echoes.
"It is a small signature, possibly a child."
Hanzo stiffens beside me.
"Get over here!" He launches his Kunai at the cyborg, yanking it over and slashing its head off with his katana.
"Uncle!" Kana cries from somewhere behind me.
"There is a child in there!" Frost cries.

Another cyborg runs up and fires a missile from its hand. "Kana!" I scream, spinning around.
The missile explodes over the main doors and causes rubble to crash down.
Both Hanzo and I fly back, crashing into the snowy ground painfully.
"No!" I yell and run over to the rubble pile.
Hanzo screams in rage and engulfs himself in flames, his skeleton showing. He launches himself towards the army, slashing and destroying them.

Frost's laugh echoes as I shove bits of wood and concrete away. "Kana...Kana!" Tears blur my sight.
I heave Kana's unconscious body out of the rubble.
"Kana...Kana, my baby." I place my ear on his chest. His heartbeat is there, but faint.
The snowstorm in my chest whirls out of control. I cry angrily, holding my son close. I gently set him down, kissing his forehead.

"You!" I yell, the clouds overhead turning grey to match my sorrow. Snow begins to fall heavily and swirl around violently. I jump down from the temple steps. "I shall soak the snow with your blood!" I grab Frost by the throat and stomp her knee.
"Kuai!" Hanzo's yell is muffled from the snowstorm surrounding Frost and I. "Do not let your anger control you!"
"I. Don't. CARE!" I scream, an ice sword forming in my hand. I yell in pain when Frost stabs me in the side with a blade. Frost's eyes widen as I slam her into the ground. She coughs up blood.

I force her up and kick her in the chest. Blood gushes as I yank the blade out from my side.
I swing the sword and lodge it deep into her shoulder. She screams. Music to my ears.
"I should have just killed you when I had the chance. You nearly ruined my friendship with Hanzo by trying to attack him!" Sparks and blood leaks from her wound.

She falls to the floor after I rip the sword out. I raise it over my head to deliver the finishing blow.
"Kuai!" Hanzo enters the snowstorm, his clothes bloody. "That is enough!"
"No, it isn't! Her minions hurt Kana!"
"And will killing her solve anything?! She is allied with Cyrax and Sektor! If you kill her, both of them will attack us with more cyborgs! Do you want Kana to constantly be in danger?" Hanzo demands.

I lower the sword, tears running down my cheeks. With a yell, I freeze Frost solid and crumple to my knees, the snowstorm whirling to a stop and fluttering down as snowflakes. I scream loudly in pure frustration, the cry a mixture of anger and sadness and echoing across the snowy hills and mountains.
I cry, letting out hiccuping sobs as Hanzo watches me. I bury my face into my bloody hands, smearing my pale skin and hair red.

But I am not the only one sobbing.
Kana stands at the temple entrance, his wrist clearly dislocated or broken. He cries in fear, obviously petrified at my bloody sword and face and Hanzo's rampage with destroying the cyborgs.

"K-Kana," I get up painfully, blood soaking my blue clothing from the stab wound. He whimpers, backing away in fear. With a wail that breaks my heart, Kana runs into the temple, disappearing into the shadows.

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