More Than Friends | Angst

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Sexual themes in this one-shot but no sexual content.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

The clock on the wall fills the room with noise. Each tick is louder than the last as if the clock is repeating a message that is slowly becoming more urgent.

Clementine bites her lip; she sits up in the bed holding the covers against her bare chest as she looks back at Violet who's watching the brunette keenly. Violet's cheeks are flushed and her breathing is still heavy. Her green eyes gleam in the dimly lit room and a frown forms on her face as Clementine gets out of the bed, wrapping the sheets around her body to protect her modesty.

Not that it matters if Violet sees her naked, they've just had sex. This is a regular occurrence for both of them, it's not their first time in this situation. Sometimes afterwards they talk sweet nothings between the sheets and sometimes they stay in bed for hours. Not today apparently. Today Clementine is eager to get going, the whole group is meeting tonight and she's excited to head off home to get ready. Later they'll hang out simply as friends and pretend that they haven't spent the previous night in bed, pretend that they aren't friends with benefits when no one else is around.

This thing between them, it's a secret to everyone else, and for Clementine, it's just sex. For Violet though, it's messing with her emotions and causing her to fall head over heels for the younger girl. Violet watches as Clementine turns her back as she fetches her bra from the floor, Violet remains quiet, watching the way Clementine's shoulder blades move under her skin as she clasps the bra behind her back.

Clementine slinks into her underwear before sitting at the foot of Violet's bed, her back facing the blonde. Violet runs her hands through her hair and rubs her tired eyes with her fingers, "we have to stop doing this Clem," she says, her voice is strained like she's fighting a battle in her mind. A battle that she's losing.

Clementine sits up, there are goosebumps on her skin and she doesn't know if it's from the cold or Violet's declaration. She stands and looks back at Violet, she's biting her lip hard. "It's just a bit of fun Vi, just casual sex between friends. It doesn't mean anything."

"It does to me," Violet says as she crosses her arms over her chest, "you know I like you, Clem." The blonde leans forward as Clementine turns away, she feels angry and hates herself for letting this happen time and time again when all it does is confuse her feelings. "Either be my girlfriend or stop sleeping with me, because what we have now doesn't feel fair when you know how much I like you," Violet says as she leans over the side of the bed, grabbing her grey t-shirt and pulling it over her head, not bothering to find her bra.

Clementine doesn't know how to respond so she stays quiet. Instead, she gets to her feet and searches through the piles of discarded clothes on the floor for her shirt and jeans, she's doing whatever she can to avert her eyes from the blonde.

Violet rolls her eyes at the silence and falls back against the pillow; she's fed up of repeating this scenario time and time again. She's in love with Clementine but she knows that their interactions will probably never move past sex. Sometimes this whole thing feels like a waste of her time, but when she's kissing Clementine she feels whole, as though the brunette is hers even if it's only for a short amount of time. Even though it never lasts.

"I just don't think I'm ready for a relationship Vi," Clementine says as she bites her lip, she turns her face away, staring at the large ornate clock that adorns the wall by the window. It's ticking loudly. The low hum of a car passing by catches her attention and she watches as the light glints off the metallic paint and into Violet's bedroom.

The brunette turns her attention to Violet who looks back at her, eyebrows upturned with a frown on her face. "Come on," says Clementine resting her hand on Violet's leg over the covers, "this is fun, let's keep having fun. When people date they fight and fall out, we've got the best deal here" she says, continuing to softly stroke Violet's leg "sex and friendship" Clementine says with a weak smile as she removes her hand to pull her sweater over her head.

Violet dips her head and bites the skin on the inside of her cheek. She knew Clementine would say that. It doesn't matter how many times she's heard it; it still hurts. "I want more" Violet pleads her voice wavering slightly.

Clementine lowers her gaze. She doesn't know how to respond so instead she grabs her jeans from the floor and slips into them falling back into the bed to pull them up to her waist. Violet brings her knees up to her chest bringing the covers with her as she admires Clementine's svelte figure. The brunette stands and shimmy's her hips into her jeans smoothing her jumper down over the blue faded denim.

"I love you.. you know that," says Violet, her voice barely above a whisper.

Clementine stays quiet, she never realised that the older girl loved her but she would be lying if she hadn't suspected that Violet was growing stronger feelings for her. She bites into her lip as she fiddles with a loose strand on her jumper.

"Vi.." she begins before faltering, "I really like you, but it's complicated" Clementine stands suddenly regretting all the times she's flirted with Violet and lead her on. She thought that their relationship was just sex. She never once realised how much these interactions must have been messing with Violet's feelings.

"I should go" is what Clementine finally settles on saying. The clock ticks on the wall. Tick. Tock. Time to leave.

Violet throws the covers away as she stands, the sudden movement startles Clementine who turns to watch as Violet rifles through her draws looking for clean clothes. Clementine turns to eye the door, she could just leave now, avoid making this situation more awkward than it already is.

"Are we ever gonna talk about this Clem," asks Violet as she sits back on the bed, she tucks one leg underneath the rest of her body and rests her head on her closed fist. It's almost as if she read Clementine's mind.

Clementine sits on the bed too, but on the opposite side. As if the space between them will prevent Violet from catching any more feelings, will stop her from falling deeper in love. Clementine rubs her eyes and frowns, unconformable with the situation she's found herself in, "I don't know where to go from here Vi."

"Well then this needs to stop, so I can find someone who does want to be in a relationship with me, rather than someone who just wants to sleep with me in secret."

Violet's words are harsh and Clementine flinches as she sees the expression on the blonde's face, she curls her hands around the covers as a distraction. If she knew that Violet was in love with her she would have stopped this months ago. It hurts her to think that she's unknowingly caused all this conflict simply by finding comfort in Violet's arms.

"Vi," Clementine coos, "I didn't realise that you loved me."

Violet casts her eyes downward and picks at the skin around her fingernails, "you're everything I ever wanted Clementine." she responds despondently.

Clementine sharply inhales air. It's warm as it enters her lungs. She realises now more than ever that they need to talk about this.

"Okay," she replies crossing the distance between them to gently grasp Violet's hand, "Tonight, after we all hang out, let's go for a drink, just you and me."

Violet looks up, hope uplifting her features. On her lips, a small smile upturns the corners, "really?" she questions. She's still reserved, still unsure.

"We'll talk about this, decide what to do about this. About us."

Violet stops her hopes lifting anymore. Clementine has always been so sure and confident with her single status. Still, there could always be a chance this could be the start of something real between them.

The brunette stands and extends her arms above her head, the hem of her shirt lifts and Violet peeks at the sliver of toned midriff that becomes exposed as Clementine stretches her muscles.

"I'll see you later," she says and she opens the bedroom door, castings one final glance at her lover before leaving the confines of the room. As soon as she leaves Violet falls back against the pillow, relishing in the smell of Clementine's perfume which coats her duvet and sheets.

She wants to believe that things will change after tonight, but she's not so sure. Violet wonders if it's better to be able to love Clementine even if she can't call the brunette her own than not have her at all. She sighs with exasperation and rolls onto her side, listening to the ticking of the clock as she closes her eyes, relieving the events of this morning, wishing that that could be her every day, and worrying it won't be.

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