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A/n: *walks into the room with black coffee in-hand* yo. So about that long-haired fellow I was talking about... yeah it's Aizawa-- what are you gonna do about it son? Hee hee, okay, uhm... enjoy peeps. (Also feel free to use the wallpaper above; I made it hee hee)

"Hey, Shouta," I said, elbowing my friend to wake up. I wanted to go home- I'm tired.

"Hm?" was all I got back from the unconscious boy. "5 more minutes..."

"That's what you always tell me! Now get your little ass up and let's go home..!" I whined, now tugging on his arm.

"Just go home by yourself, (Y/n)..." groaned Shouta, wanting to be left alone.

"Listen, if you don't get your ass out that classroom door in the next 10 seconds, I won't let you pet Mochi when we get home." I whispered in a threatening sort of tone. Maybe that'll wake him up. I turned the direction to my seat on the opposite side of him to get my bag.

A loud thud was audible; when I turned around, Shouta was already at the door, waiting for me.

"Come on, slow-poke, get your ass over here; I wanna see Mochi before you get called in by your guardians!" said Shouta in a whiny tone.

"CoMe On, SlOw-PoKe, GeT yOuR aSs OvEr HeRe; I wAnNa SeE mOcHi BeFoRe YoU gEt CaLlEd In By YoUr GuArDiAnS." I replied in a mocking sort of tone, a smirk visible on my lips.

Just then, he grabbed his capture gear and his eyes turned red. "Now young lady."

My eyes went wide. "Y-yes, sir." I hate it when he uses his quirk. Hmph.

As we ran home, Mochi was sleeping on the front porch of the apartment complex we lived in. Mochi was a Russian Blue male with golden eyes. Once Shouta and I made it to the front porch, he scratched Mochi behind his ear whilst he purred gently back.


As Shouta and I were grading papers, he took a short break to pet Mochi behind his ear. ... well, I guess Mochi number 2. The original one died a couple years ago...

"Shouta," I said, leaning back in my chair.


"Could I see the answer key for this worksheet? My brain's fried and I refuse to work this problem out." I said, scratched the top of my head.

"Yeah," he stopped petting his cat and slid over the paper. "Here you go,"

"Thank you,"


As a few hours went by, all of the papers were graded, and we were both pooped. My last brain cell left the station a while ago.

"What time is it?" I asked, finishing putting the papers into a neat pile.

"22:27, why?"

"Oh shit... We barely finished grading all these papers and we don't even have enough time to eat dinner..." I whined, pulling the hood of my hoodie over my head.

"Then we'll just have to eat ramen. Although, eating late isn't very good for you... it's better than starving yourself and feeling completely dead in the morning." mumbled Shouta to himself, getting up from his seat to put water on the stove. "(Y/n), could you-"

Using my quirk, I used it to open the cabinet and grab two packets of ramen. I then handed it to Shouta with a tired grin on my face.

"Thanks..." said Shouta.


And we spent that night eating and choking on the ramen while laughing at each other's pain.

Hero Profile
Civilian Name: (Y/n) (L/n)

Hero Name: Hooder (the name will make more sense once I draw the costume ^-^')

Quirk: Water webs; they use them as a spider would use their webs just instead made with the excess liquid (usually water) from the user's body. The downfall is if used for over 10 minutes consistantly, the user has a migraine (headache). The longer they go over the 10-minute limit, the worse their migraine gets. If the webs are used to make a forcefield, then the limit is reduced to 5 minutes as a forcefield takes up more water than a few strings of it would.

Age: 31

Occupation: Teacher at UA; Hero

Hero outfit: ... I'll draw one up one of these days hee hee (it may or may not look similar to Spider-Man's costume oops).

As of Sept. 25, 2020:

 25, 2020:

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(A/n: hee hee; hope you liked the beginning of this one :>)

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