Chapter 15

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Y/n's POV

Later that night when we came home from work, I felt unbelievably nervous around him. I mean... wait... are we a couple? I mean, he l i t e r a l l y confessed to me... kinda... earlier today...! No, no, no, no, no... we're just... he just... we're just friends, aren't we? If he wanted to date me, he probably would've asked me already... WAIT. ... Nah... (Y/n) stop thinking this shit- this is ridiculous. What does it matter if you aren't his "official" girlfriend or not... those are labels- labels are stupid. What you and Shou have is stronger than what a simple label says about what your relationship with him is. ... right?

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)??" a murmured voice called out. "(Y/N)!"

"AH!" I exclaimed, looking back at the man standing in front of me. "WHAT?!"

"I asked you if you wanted to eat out tonight." said Shou as he took off his capture gear, throwing it on the couch.

"Oh, uh, why? What's the occasion?" I asked.

"Nothing... I just don't feel like cooking tonight... Unless, you want to?"

"Oh, that reminds me. We need to go grocery shopping. There's not a lot of food left, and I need tofu and green onion." I said as I opened up my phone to write down a grocery list in my notes.

"(Y/n)..." said Shou.

I ignored him as I was trying to think what else we had to buy.

"I think we might need more rice as well... I think we only have enough for about three or four more servings..." I mumbled to myself as I checked the rice dispenser.


"... and I think we also need some red bean paste and flour... or maybe we still have some... making some mochi over the weekend would sound like a good treat for Eri..."


After more mumbling and typing on my phone, I felt a sudden pain on the top of my head. It had turned out that Shou had cuffed me on my head.

"Did you want something...?" I asked as I rubbed my head.

"Yeah. I've been trying to get your attention for like two minutes now..."

"Oops... hehe..."

"Do you or do you not wanna eat out tonight? Nemuri said there was some restaurant in town that looked good." said Shou as he scratched the back of his head.

"Oh... uh... yeah, sounds good. If you want, we can go right now then." I said as I turned my phone off and put it away in my back pocket.

As I was turning to the door, Shou grabbed me by the hood of my hero costume and yanked me back.

"Don't you wanna change?"

"Do I have to change?"

"If you don't want people giving you weird looks, yeah."

My eyes went wide. The thought of a million eyeballs looking at me seemed like a nightmare.

"... I'll go change." I squeaked out as I zoomed into my room.

I heard a knock at my door soon after. "By the way, if you still wanted to go grocery shopping after or something, I'd advise you not to wear something too flashy or fancy; it might be uncomfortable."

Huh? Okay...

Opening up my closet, I didn't really have a lot of options to choose from so it was between a (f/c) blouse and skirt or (f/c) dress shirt and pants. After thinking for a couple minutes, I decided to go with the (f/c) (whichever option you chose). After changing, I grabbed a jacket to make sure I wouldn't freeze to death outside and then I walked to the living room.

Shou hadn't come out of his room yet so I had occupied myself with my phone. I had gotten a notification from my messages. It was Nemuri.


Nemuri: Sooooo Shouta told me that u two are going out tonight!!

Me: What?! Me? And Shou?? I mean, yeah we are, but it's not like it's a date.

Nemuri: seriously???? (Y/n) if a guy asks you out to dinner he's obviously asking you out on a date.

Me: yeah but this 'guy' has been my friend for as long as I can remember.
Me: He just didn't wanna cook dinner tonight T_T

Nemuri: did YOU offer to make dinner then?

Me: We needed to go grocery shopping anyway, so eating out seemed like the best option atm

Nemuri: whatever. Have fun but not TOO much fun ;)

Me: that's gross.

Nemuri: teehee~! <3
ʳᵉᵃᵈ ᵃᵗ ¹⁹:³⁸

Turning my phone off again as I rolled my eyes, I heard footsteps coming towards me. Looking up, I saw Shou dressed in a black turtleneck and brown trench coat with black dress pants.

"Ready to go?" he asked, his hands stuffed in his coat pockets.


As we both got on our shoes, we left for the restaurant.

A/n: sorry this chapter is WAY shorter than the other ones- gotta make the dinner a separate one hehehe >:) also this is taking place on a Tuesday night.

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