heyo it be the xmas/holiday thing ゚▽゚

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A/n: please keep in mind this does NOT affect the main story whatsoever... I just wanted to write a little something for the holidays :)))

In (Y/n)'s POV

"Boo!" exclaimed Eri.

I had just come back from a hangout with Kayama and Ryuko to find the little girl in front of me now.

"Ah, Eri, I think you're getting your holidays mixed up. 'Boo' is for Halloween, not Christmas." I explained, bending down to pat her on the head. "Where's Aizawa?"

She pointed to his room down the hall.

"Thank you, ma'am." I said softly, smiling as I got back up.

Knocking quietly on the door that was just a creak open, I said, "Shou, you in here? I'm back from my hangout with the girls-"

Upon opening the door more, there on the floor, laid an unconscious Shouta wrapping presents.

"sHIT, SHOU! WHAT IN THE FRESH HELL HAPPENED?!" I whisper-yelled, hoping Eri hadn't heard me curse. I shook Shou, hoping that would make him wake up.

"Huh?" Shou looked around only to find me and the unwrapped gifts. "What happened?"

"Dude, you scared me! I thought you died or something...!" I said, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry... I guess I must've fallen asleep while finishing these gifts up for our friends..." mumbled Shou, taking off the tangled knots of ribbon out of his hands and hair. He then looked at me and then back at the presents. A shit-eating smirk was then present on his features.


"(Y/n)... how about lending your good friend a hand or two? You know, it isn't fair that I have to do all this work by myself while you get to hang out and joke around... now is it?" said Shou, grabbing his capture gear from the foot of his bed.

"Uhm... Shou... hey, look... I just got back from being outside in the cold and snow... I think it's best I go shower first so I don't freeze to death-"

As I was only one step away from being the hallway, Shou stopped me in my tracks with his capture gear.

"Work first, play later." was all he said before letting me go.

As I turned the corner to go head into the shower, I heard him say, "You better get your ass back in here afterwards though, (Y/n)."

"Okay, okay..."


As of now, Midoriya and Mirio had taken Eri to see all the lights and decorations around town while Shou and I set up everything in the Class 1-A Alliance... and our own little personal space in our apartment.

Since getting out of the shower, I changed from a winter coat and turtleneck to a soft (f/c) sweater and sweatpants.

"Okay, you wanted my help?" I said to Shou as I sat down beside him in his room.

"Yeah... We just need to finish wrapping these up and then move onto the decorations for the 1-A Alliance."


"We only have until tonight to get everything ready, so let's get a move-on."

I nodded and got straight to work.


After I don't know how many hours, we had finally gotten everything set up. The tree was up, reefs were hung, lights along the corners, and even a little mistletoe around a corner or two... hopefully no student would have to kiss a teacher or... Mineta. Of course, we wouldn't allow that to happen in the first place.

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