it's been a year baby oh yeahhhh

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A/n: it has been officially one year since I started writing this bad boy hehe >:D sooooo enjoy this sorta crack/fluff/idk I guess (also this has NOTHING to do with the main story)

Ah. Saturday evening. Full of peace, quiet, and most of all, no students to annoy the two teachers.

(Y/n) rushed into her crush's room with her switch and asked, "HEY YO SHOU, WANNA SMASH?"

Aizawa quickly turned to look at the other teacher with dilated pupils and a scrunched up face.

"Excuse me?"

"On the switch?" (Y/n) said in a sort of whiny tone as she held up the small console.

"OH. UHM. S-sure. I'm not much of a gamer, but if it'll get you to stop bothering me sooner." snickered Aizawa, a small amount of blood rushing to his pale cheeks.

"Huh? Did you think I meant something else? ... OH. UH WAIT- NO- THAT'S NOT WHAT I- I MEAN- YOU- ME- SHOUTA-" stuttered (Y/n) as her hands were flailing the switch everyone; her face was red hot.

"Could we just play-"



"I SWEAR TO GOD, SHOUTA. YOU ARE- THIS IS- YOU WEREN'T THE MAN I THOUGHT YOU WERE." (Y/n) shouted as she slumped down more in her seat on the couch.

"For the last time, (Y/n), we can stop playing Smash if you want. It's not my fault you chose the character with one of the worst recoveries-"

"LEAVE ME AND CLOUD STRIFE ALONE." she cried out, beginning to pout more as a small tear ran down the side of her left cheek.

Aizawa just rolled his eyes as he set the controller down to his side. He then let out his arms, a way of letting (Y/n) know that he was available for a hug. She looked up from her scrunched up position and sniffled.

"If I let you hug me, I promise I'll go easy on you next round- hell, I'll play as Little Mac." mumbled Aizawa.

(Y/n) cuddled up next to the taller man and nuzzled her face into his neck.

Only a muffled "Do you promise?" was audible.

"Yes, I promise. Now, will you stop being such a little baby and come back to playing Smash with me?"

"Not until you apologize to Cloud as well."

"What? No! I'm not gonna apologize to some fictional character. That's stupid-"

"Do it or else I'll call Mic over. I mean... I do have extra controllers..." smirked (Y/n) as she reached for her phone.


"Sorry to who?"


"For what exactly?"

"... for saying he has one of the worst recoveries in Smash Ultimate..."

"Apology accepted." nodded (Y/n) in approval.

"But it's the truth..." mumbled Aizawa under his breath.

"What was that?" asked (Y/n) as she grabbed her controller.


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