Chapter 19

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Aizawa's POV

The morning after, neither or us woke up before my phone alarm started to beep. I jumped at the sudden noise, which made (Y/n) wake up as well.

"HUH?!" exclaimed (Y/n) as she drowsily looked around.

"Ugh... sorry..." I mumbled, getting some hair out of my eyes.

I grabbed my phone that was laying on my bed and tapped the 'dismiss' button. Afterwards, the sudden realization of how we were sleeping hit me. (Y/n) was sitting on my lap. Shit... She was cute.

"You okay, Shou? You're looking at me weird." asked (Y/n) as she looked up at me.

"Yeah I'm fine... I just... I'm just admiring how cute my girlfriend looks in my lap." I said, averting her innocent-like gaze.

(Y/n) didn't say anything for a couple seconds; she must've been trying to process what I had said.

"(Y/n)? You good?"

"Your... girl... you said... girl... we are... last night... I am... girlfriend...?" mumbled (Y/n) back and forth as she looked up at me in disbelief.

"Yep. You are the girlfriend. You are my girlfriend." I said as I picked her up slightly so I could get up. "Now... let's get ready for school before it's too late."

As I was leaving my room to get ready, all I could hear was "girl... friend..." and then "Holy Mother of fuck, I can't believe this is happening." One thing I knew for sure was that she was a fucking dork.


The day went along as usual; the same 20 kids who never stop talking... the same two loud friends... but two things were different. Way more different. I was smiling a bit more. And (Y/n) was acting a bit off too...

(Y/n) was usually a hard worker and helped the kids with whatever they needed. She also worked hard in the faculty room, but today she seemed kind of out of it. She would daydream a lot more often and space out with a goofy smile on her face.

"Oi, (Y/n)," I said as I hit her with a file on her head.

"Ow...! What was that for?" asked (Y/n) as she rubbed her head.

"Quit spacing out like an idiot. We've got work to do."

"Hmph... fine..."


After school ended for the day, (Y/n) came up from behind and hugged me.

"Hey...! Do you wanna go grocery shopping now? We still haven't been able to go yet!" she asked, clinging onto my waist.

"Yeah... sounds like a plan... but..."


"Could you get off me? Students could see."

"But I'm your girlfriend..."

"Girlfriend or not, it's unprofessional when on school grounds. We can cuddle when we get back to our apartment, okay?" I said, trying to get out of her grasp.



It was probably around 18:00 when we walked out of the supermarket.

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