Morning oneshot hehe

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A/n: Just a little fluffy prompt that came to me last night haha hope you like it!! Again, this has NOTHING to do with the main story as it is already completed. Anyways, enjoy <3

In Y/n's POV

Fluttering my eyes open, I saw Shouta in front of me, still sleeping soundly. Unlocking my phone, I saw that the clock read 7:03AM. Thank God it was the weekend, otherwise I would've had to sprint to get ready for another day of teaching. Setting my phone back onto the nightstand, I looked up at the ceiling of our shared bedroom. Stretching my hands out, my eyes wandered over to the black wedding band on my left hand. It felt like it was only yesterday that the two of us had gotten married... hard to believe that it had been almost an entire year.

As I felt a small tug around my waist, I look over to see Shouta starting to wake up as well.

"Mm... is it morning already...?" he groaned out, rubbing his eyes with his free hand.

"Unfortunately... but on the bright side, it's the weekend. We can do whatever we want today." I said, smiling at my husband.

"Does that include sleeping in...?"

Laughing a bit, I then said, "Shou... you do realize that we're pro heroes right?"


"That means that we have to be readily available to take care of problems when we're needed." I explained, brushing some of his hair out of his eye.

"That's Eraserhead's job... I'm currently just your sleeping husband, Shouta."

"If you're sleeping, then how are you talking to me?"

"Sleeptalking; ever heard of it?"

"Oh? We got a sassy sleeptalker." I chuckled out, scootching a bit closer to the scruffy man.

"Oh, shut up. Don't you ever stop talking?" mumbled Shouta as he rolled over onto his back.

"No, not really... but you love me anyways." I replied playfully.


"Regrettably, eh? Guess I'll have to put 'file for divorce' on our to-do list for today."

"Divorce? That's so expensive and such a long process... I'd rather have you yap my ear off rather than lose you forever..." chuckled Shouta softly.

"Wha- yap your ear off? Uh, excuse me, if I remember correctly, you were the one who said that you were okay with me rambling and talking." I said, now sitting up in bed.

"Did I now?"

"Yes... unless... you were lying, and you really aren't okay with me talking...?"

"Calm down, of course I remember saying that. I'm just joshing you... You know I appreciate you taking time out of your day to talk to me." said Shouta, as he was now sitting up as well. He grabbed my chin and made it so that I was facing him now. "And I love every single word that comes out of your mouth. Whether you're talking about your students or how infuriating the neighbor's can be- I love hearing your voice, (Y/n). I love you."

After hearing him say those three words, I could feel my face heat up.

"Jesus Christ... We've been together for how many years now? And I still feel flustered everytime you say the L word..." I mumbled as I fanned my face a bit with my hands.

"Four years as my girlfriend, one year as my fiancé, and now almost one year being my lovely wife." said Shouta as he grabbed my hand to kiss it. "And hopefully, many more years to come in that wife department."

"Oh Shou... you really know how to make a woman feel embarrassed..."

"Do I? Well, in that case... when are we gonna start a family? I'm sure both our families are dying to know the answer to that question." teased Shouta, getting on top of me; pinning me to our shared bed.


"You heard me."

"We already have a cat... isn't that enough?"

"Tempting... but I was talking about a human child."

"We already take care of Eri, Shinshou, and practically the entirety of your class. Quit being horny on main." I said, pushing his face away with my hand.

"Fair enough." He said as he got off of me.


He looked back at me.

"Maybe sometime down the road..."

Looking up at my husband, I could see that he was blushing faintly.


"Shut up."

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