Chapter 5

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F/d= favorite drink
F/dt= favorite dessert

!BTW this is have spoilers for the more recent bnha vigilante chapters!

Your POV

Waking up from my sleep due to Shou's alarmclock, I shut it off quickly before I was fully woken up. It was Saturday, and I wasn't going to have it. Just a few more minutes... Cuddling up next to my best friend, I slowly started to fall asleep again.

Aizawa's POV

As I heard my alarmclock go off, the sound went away in a matter of seconds. (Y/n) must've shut it off. I'll admit I had been awake for a good ten minutes now, but I didn't wanna move from my spot due to my best friend sleeping right next to me. I'd never seen her sleep so soundly before— I'd never actually really seen her asleep at all really. (Y/n) was usually awake and just complaining all the time that she's bored or tired; that she wanted to sleep. ... now that I think about it, she and I were quite similar in that department.

Suddenly, I felt her move even closer against my left side, snuggling up against my bare shoulder and arm. My initial reaction was to pull away but since she looked comfy, I didn't budge in the end. Idiot. The things I do for you.

About five or six minutes later, she woke up at last.

"Morning Shou..." yawned (Y/n), stretching out her limbs.

"Huh, oh, and she finally wakes up." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes at her, happy that I finally have authority over my left side again. "What made you wanna sleep in a bit today, huh Snorlax?"

She looked back at me with the most distraught and cringed expression I'd ever seen on her face.

"Really? We're gonna start with the Pokémon references after all these years? What are you? Ten?" chuckled (Y/n) as she got out of my bed. "By the way, thank you, again for letting me sleep over here last night. I owe you one."

"Whatever..." I mumbled, getting out of bed myself, and straightening the blankets and pillows.

"I don't mean to sound rude, but, can you leave?" I asked.

"What?" asked my best friend, turning around to see me starting to take off my shirt. Her face started turning pink out of embarrassment, most likely.

"Get. Out." was all I said.

"Y-yes sir,"

I huffed out a short breath before continuing to change into a normal long sleeve and sweatpants.


"Hey Shou," said (Y/n) as she popped up behind me as I was relaxing on the couch.

"Hm," was all I said in return, unfazed at this point of her surprise entrances.

"What do you wanna do today?"


"I mean, it's a Saturday. The day is technically ours. No school, no students, no-"

"We're heroes, idiot. If anything wrong goes on, and if it's in our department, we're going to have to deal with it."

"Yeah, but that's like a one-in-a-million-chance Shou." said (Y/n) hopping over the back of the couch and sitting down next to me. "There really isn't anything you want to do today?"

"Why do you feel the need to pry?"

"Why do you feel the need to be such a boring man..." was what she mumbled under her breath.

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