another one shot thing ahaha

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A/n: hey uh it's ya boy uh skinny penis Also i don't have an oc or anything for this- I was kinda basing it off of Solomon and mammon from obey me and the quirk/name as well- idk it's getting late and I tired anyway enjoy the one shot.

Y/n's POV

I swear the world was out to get me at this point. Did I accidentally step on an orphan yesterday or something? Cause dear Lord, I've been having a lot of bad luck and problems as of lately. I mean, it's not like I've never had problems, of course I have, I'm human. But does anyone ever just get a WAVE of them so quickly? This all started because of some stupid bet Zashi made with me this morning.


"Okay (Y/n), I bet you can't make the next person who walks through that door ask Shouta out on a date." said Zashi, leaning back in his office chair.

"Okay, I'll bite. What's the catch?"

"Oh nothing... just the fact that you may have to see the love of your life go on a date with someone that's not you." smirked the blond.

"Jeez. That's harsh. Nothing else...?"

"Oh and you owe me a drink of my choice when it's lunch."

"You forgot your wallet-"

"-I forgot my wallet."

I sighed and shook my head as a small chuckle escaped at the end.

"What if I win?"

"Then I'll let you braid my hair."


"Woah, that was quicker than I expected." mumbled Zashi.

"No way in hell, am I gonna miss up the opportunity to play with your hair!" I exclaimed, pumping my fists.

"Oh, hey look! And the person that you have to convince to ask Eraserhead on a date is..." said Zashi as he make a little drumroll effect on his lap.

As I turned around, the person who walked through the door was none other than Recovery Girl's college student intern, Asmo Nakamura. She was quirkless, stating that she was only helping Recovery Girl for a short while to finish some project. She had long, silky, silver hair and golden eyes... and her bust size was way bigger than mine. AND SHE WAS LIKE (5'7) 170CM- HOW COULD I COMPETE WITH SOMEONE SO BEAUTIFUL LIKE HER?!

"Welp... there goes my love life... and 100 yen..." I mumbled to myself, gathering up enough courage to ask Asmo to ask out Shou.

"H-hey, Nakamura, right?" I asked, tapping on her shoulder.

"Hm? Oh yes, but you can just call me 'Asmo... we're all friends here, right?" she said with an angelic-like smile on her face.

Jesus fucking Christ if Shou doesn't go out with her, I just might snatch her up for myself.

"Uh, okay then... Asmo... uh well, uh, you know Eraserhead?" I asked nervously as I played with my thumbs in a circular motion.

"The tall teacher that wears all black and has the scarf right?"

It's not a scarf...

"Yep. That's the one."

"What about him?"

"He's cute, isn't he?"

"Oh, I don't know... I've never even talked to the guy before..."

"Well, he's currently single so if you wanna date him or whatever, I guess you can." I said, my hands in my pockets.

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