Chapter 13

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In Y/n's POV

Waking up the next morning, I was in Shou's room again. Looking to my right, he wasn't there. Wait... if last night was Sunday... and now it's the morning...

F U C K.

Gathering myself together, I dashed out of Shou's room and quickly changed into my hero costume. As I zoomed into the living room, I saw Shou standing by the coffee machine, as usual, sipping his daily cup of coffee.

"Took you long enough." snickered Shou as he left one eye closed and the other open in a sorta menacing sort of way.

"Why didn't you wake me up?!" I asked as I started to put on my shoes.

"You looked cute while you were asleep. I didn't wanna disturb you."

I turned around to face him dead in the eye.

"WHAT." was all I spat out.

"You heard me, dumbass. Our lunches are on the table. Let's grab them and get to UA before we're late.

"R-right... Did you call Mirio?" I asked as I pulled my hoodie over my (f/c) shirt.

"Yeah. He said he'd be here in a bit to watch Eri while we're at UA." answered Shou.


On our way to school, I asked him, "Hey, you don't... I mean... we..."

Shou just cocked an eyebrow at me, half his face snuggled into his capture gear.

"About last night..."

"All we did is kiss like five times and cuddle or whatever... don't worry... it was all pg-13." chuckled Shou as he ruffled my hair.

"I know... but..."


"We're still friends... right?"

Shou looked at me like I was crazy.

"(Y/n), what the fuck do you think?"

"Uhm... well... I uh..."

"If we weren't friends, then I probably wouldn't even be talking to you right now."

I looked up at him.

"You aren't some one-night stand; you're my best friend... my best friend that I just so happened to kiss last night." said Shou as he averted his gaze from me.

I felt a wave of heat crash against my (s/c) features. Jesus fucking Christ- what is this man doing to me?!

Wait... did he just friendzone me?



As homeroom started, I couldn't stop thinking about Shou and I's relationship. Did he... like me...? I mean, we kissed. That has to mean something. Shou doesn't seem like the type of guy to just kiss whomever- I was his first kiss for fuck's sake! The kiss... his lips... they were so... fucking... soft... and-

"(Y/n)-Sensei?" asked a distant voice.

"Huh?" I snapped back into reality at that moment. In front of me was Midoriya. "Y-yes Midoriya?"

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