Chapter 3

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In Aizawa's POV

Getting out of the tangled capture gear first, I helped Shinshou out of it before he got himself more tangled.

"You okay, kid?" I asked as I was folding the gear around my hand to hang it up.

He nodded after getting up from the floor.


"Hm?" I hummed back.

"Ah... Never-mind. We can talk about it later..." mumbled Shinshou, scratching the back of his head.

"Okay then,"

Walking out of the training room, I see (Y/n) in the kitchen with a cup of water.

"So, uh, how's training coming along, Shouta?" she snickered as she held the cup close to her lips.

"It'a coming along just fine, thank you very much..." I grumbled, hanging my capture gear on a hook near the door.

"Mmhmm~" (Y/n) said, sipping the ice-cold water slowly. "Oh, hey, Shinshou!"

The young man turned around, a but shocked to hear her call him out.

"Yes, Ms. (L/n)?"

"Awe, no need to be so formal with me, man. Just (Y/n) is fine,"

Shinshou blushed faintly out of embarrassment and bowed to the slightly younger teacher.

"Oh God, why are you bowing all of a sudden? You're too polite, Shinshou..." mumbled (Y/n), her facial features becoming a bit pink as well.

"Oh, uhm... sorry..." said Shinshou, scratching the nape of his neck this time.

"Anyway, you guys seem tired... How about a fresh glass of cold water?" (Y/n) offered, already starting to pull out two glasses from the cupboard.

"Oh, thank you, Ms- (Y-Y/n)..." stammered Shinshou, taking the glass of water from my roommate.



"Here's your water,"

"Oh, uhm, yeah... whatever." I said, taking the glass of water and drinking it slowly.


After Shinshou went back to the dorms, (Y/n) and I finally had some peace and quiet. While I was relaxing in my sleeping bag, (Y/n) was on the living room floor petting Mochi. I couldn't sleep at the moment so I ended up just staring at the (h/c) haired woman and my cat.

"Shou, what the fuck are you doing? Don't you know it's rude to stare?" I heard (Y/n)'s voice snap me out of the trance I was in.

"What?" I said, turning my head slightly to look up at her face instead of her hands and Mochi. "Whatever,"

"Since you're not sleeping right now, how about we start on dinner? It's starting to get late, and we haven't prepared anything yet." suggested (Y/n) as she got up from the floor.

"Ugh... Do I have an option?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"No. Make yourself useful and come help me make dinner...! Just make the rice; I'll do everything else~" she whined, clearly not being able to withstand doing this alone.

"Alright, alright, fine..." I said, zipping out of my yellow sleeping bag.


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