Chapter 2

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(F/cy)= favorite candy

In Y/n's POV

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I stared at the shopping cart and then back at my roommate.

"I'm sorry, but what the fuck is that."

I pointed at the bag of "sweets" he added into the cart.

"Black licorice." was his reply.

"That wasn't on the list." I said as I was going to grab the bag of candy from the cart and back onto the shelf.

"It's an exception." argued Shouta, putting the bag back into the cart.

"Exception, my ass. That shit's disgusting, dude." I said, putting the bag back to its original home.

"You just have poor taste in candy, (Y/n). You and your (f/cy)." hissed Shouta, knocking the bag back into our cart for the hundredth time.

I gasped loudly, clearly very offended by my friend's comment.

"You fucking take that back right now, young man." I scolded, my index finger pointed directly at his nose.

"Last time I checked, I was the older one. And as the older person, I am going to buy this bag of black licorice whether you like it or not, young lady." smirked Shouta, lowering my finger with his own.

As he finished his statement, he rolled the shopping cart to the next aisle, whistling in victory as I was left wide-eyed and astonished at what just happened.

That son of a bitch.

But, I still love him to death.


"We're home, Mochi!" I exclaimed, opening the door to our shared apartment.

Shouta and I set the small amount of grocery bags on the kitchen counter and then went to go find his cat.

"Meow~" Mochi purred, sitting on top of the couch, his front paws and back straight as he was waiting to be pet and fed.

"Alright boy, I'll get a can of food for you. Come into the kitchen," I said, chuckling at Mochi as I grabbed a can of cat food from the kitchen cabinet.

"I'll start dinner while you take care of Mochi and putting the groceries away. That sound good, (Y/n)?" asked Shouta as he started to tie an apron around his waist and neck area.

"Yeah, then I'll help you with dinner soon after," I replied, throwing away the empty can of cat food into the recycle bin.

As Shouta and I were making dinner, my phone began to ring from my bedroom.

"Oh, be right back, Shou,"

He nodded and hummed in response, still concentrated on making dinner.

"Hello, this is (Y/n) (L/n) you're speaking to." I said, quickly answering the phone.

"Oh, (Y/n), it's me, Toshinori Yagi. Young Todoroki was curious about something and asked if I knew, but I didn't so I wanted to ask you personally... although, I highly doubt it."

"Oh, hey, Toshi..! Uhm, go ahead and shoot the question; I'm all ears." I replied, realizing I didn't having Toshi's number saved in my contacts.

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