Chapter 17

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Y/n's POV

The ride back to Heights Alliance was pretty quiet aside from the chattering of some kids, the ringing of phones, and a few snores from tired salary men. Tokyo in the nighttime was so beautiful with all the lights and the darkness. When we made it back to the building, a familiar yellow head popped up.

"We-" started Shou. I covered his mouth harshly with my hand and pushed him back around the corner we came from.


"What the fuck (Y/n)-"

"Keep talking and Kaminari might hear us...!" I whisper-yelled at the taller man.

"There's a curfew- he shouldn't be out this late."

"Well... looks like he's just taking out the trash." I whispered, looking at the trashbags in his hand.

I looked around to see if there was a way to go around Kaminari to get to our apartment, but the only idea that came to mind was to swing above him in the trees.

"Shou..." I mumbled, grabbing his shirt.


"I can try and swing us over to our place through the trees and bushes."

"... or we can just wait for him to go inside?"

"Where's the fun in that?"

"I thought you didn't want him to see us?"

"Oh shush. Let me have my Spider-Man moment."

Shou rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, leaning against the wall as he watched Kaminari walk towards the front doors.

I climbed the wall and managed to get into a good position to string my web to a strong branch.

"Okay, Shou! Think this web's secure! Just climb on up and grab ahold of me and-"

I saw Shou walking towards our apartment straightforward. I couldn't believe my eyes. My own best friend. Betraying me.

"(Y/n)? Get your ass down from there. You're going to hurt yourself." said Shou, hands in his coat pockets.

"Pff, no way. I'll be fine." I said confidently, getting ready to swing.

I saw Shou from the corner of my eye. That bastard was shaking his head at me.

As I tried to let another web form from my palms, nothing came out. Either Shou activated his quirk on me at that very moment... or I had run out of fuel.

... fuck.

Looking ahead of me, I saw a bunch of bushes and I screamed, "AHHHHH!"

Aizawa's POV

I saw (Y/n) crashed on the front lawn of Heights Alliance, and I winced a bit. Upon hearing said crash, a few students came rushing out of the building.

"I HEARD A CRASH! IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT?!" exclaimed Midoriya, his eyes wide and fists clamped together.

"What happened, Aizawa-Sensei?" asked Yaoyorozu.

Ashido, Sato, Sero, Kaminari, and Hakagure followed behind them to see what all the commotion was about.

"Yes, yes, everything is fine... (Y/n), here was just being an idiot." I explained as I walked towards the students to push them back into the building. "Now go on your merry ways and go to bed or whatever it is that teens do nowadays."

After the group of kids went back indoors, I walked back to where (Y/n) fell and went to pick her up.

"You absolute dumbass. Quit scaring me like that and doing stupid shit... One of these days, I won't be there to help you get up after falling down, and you'll have to bandage yourself like a big girl." I sighed, carrying the younger hero back to our apartment.

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