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A/n: some wanted an epilogue so here you go uwu I hope this is to your liking :0

(Y/n)'s POV

It had been about 10 years after Class 1-A graduated, and 10 years after Shou proposed to me. Over that time, Shou and I had one (1) kid. Seeing as we basically adopted Eri and Hitoshi, I guess we had three kids? While I was pregnant, I had taken time off of being a hero. Sure, that meant that Shou and Hitoshi had to do most of the heavy-lifting for a while, but they seemed to be fine with it. I felt super bad about not being to help the entire time. Eri also tried to help out with the boys from time-to-time, but mostly helped me which was super sweet of her.

About eight years ago, the baby had been born. That meant that Hitoshi was about 20 years older and Eri was about 11 years older.

The child itself was a (girl/boy) with black hair with (h/c) tips (or just a way darker black if you have black hair) and gray eyes. Their quirk was a mixture of our two quirks... kinda. Well, the force field portion of my quirk was carried onto (her/him) and Shou's Erasure was mixed with it... so... basically whenever they wanted to cancel out a quirk, they would have to be trapped within that force field/bubble.


Shou had been making dinner, and he was finally done with it.

"Hey, could you call Eri and (C/n) for dinner?" Shou asked me as he set the table with five plates and sets of utensils.

"Sure, honey." I said as I got up from the chair.

"Hey, uh, before you do, could you come here for a sec?"

I raised an eyebrow at my husband.

"Should I be scared...?"

"Just come here..." said Shou, rolling his eyes.

I walked over to him and gave him a "Well?" face.

He pulled me in a bit closer and kissed me on the forehead. Needless to say, that made me feel like falling in love with him all over again.

"What was that for?" I asked, looking up at him. I could feel my entire face go pink.

"Must I need a reason to give affection to my wife now? I just wanted to remind you that I love you." smiled Shou as he set his index finger and thumb under and over my chin.

"I love you too, Shouta." I replied, kissing him softly on the lips. "Mm... black liquorice..."

"I thought you hated that shit?"

"I think being with you for all these years made me begin to like it..." I teased, giggling softly afterwards. "And now... I just can't get enough of it."

I started to go back in for another kiss, but just then I heard a loud "EW! MOM! DAD! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!"

We turned around to see Eri and (C/n) standing in the hallway. SHIT.

"Uh..." I squeaked out, looking back and forth between the kids and my husband.

"Nothing now..." mumbled Shou, turning around to get the side dishes ready.

Hearing that made my face heat up. What was he planning on doing exactly?!

"How'd you two know dinner was ready?" I asked the kids.

"We could smell it from our rooms." answered Eri.

"Mom..." started (C/n), rubbing (his/her) hands together in (his/her) shirt.

"Yes?" I answered, looking down at the small child.

"Why do you kiss Dad so much?"

My mind blanked.


"It's because they love each other, little (sis/bro). You might be like that one day too, you know..." chuckled Eri as she messed up her sibling's hair before sitting down at the table.

"Nuh uh! I'm not gonna marry anyone when I grow up! I'm gonna be an Indiana person when I'm older!" exclaimed (C/n), (his/her) arms in the air.

"Do you mean 'independent'?" corrected Shou as he placed the bowls of rice down on the dining table.

"That's what I said!" said (C/n).

"Sorry to rain on your parade, but you said 'Indiana', not 'independent', squirt." said Eri as she placed a napkin beside (C/n)'s bowl of rice.

"Hehe, you'll learn more in time." I said as I pat (C/n) on the head.

"Hey, Mom?" asked Eri.


"Is Toshi coming home tonight?"

"Eri, sweetie, you know your brother's all grown-up now and has a lot of hero work..." I said, putting my hand on her shoulder as I got down on my knee to be at eye-level with her.

"I know, I know... I just haven't seen him in like, forever..."

"Didn't you just have lunch with him, Kaminari, and Midoriya over the weekend?" asked Shou as he sat down at the table.

"Like I said, in forever." said Eri as she let out a small "hmph".

"I'm sure he'll come by one of these days." I said, trying to reassure the white-haired teenager.

Just then, the door opened up, and in came Hitoshi himself.

"Well, speak of the devil." said Shou.

"Toshi!" exclaimed Eri as she got up from her seat, running to hug the much taller male.

"Hito-Hito!" said (C/n), following Eri to go hug Hitoshi.

"I've heard 'Toshi' a lot, but 'Hito-Hito'? I gotta admit, you two are getting weirder and weirder at giving me nicknames." laughed out Hitoshi, hugging his siblings back.

"It's nice to see you again, Hitoshi." I smiled, walking up to the taller hero. "Huh? What happened to you? You've got a bandage on your cheek...! You didn't happen to come back here from a fight, did you?"

"No, Mom, I'm fine... I was helping a stray cat earlier." said Hitoshi, grabbing ahold of my hand to remove it from his face.

"If you say so..."

"Well, let's dig in already! I can tell you worked hard on this dinner!" exclaimed Hitoshi as he ushered me to the table.

"Actually, your father made this. I knocked out earlier..." I chuckled, scratching the back of my head with my hand.

"Really? I'm surprised nothing's burnt or anything." teased the purple-haired hero, elbowing Shou.

"You burn a pancake ONE time, and everyone makes fun of you..." grumbled Shou as he stabbed his chopsticks into the egg on his plate.

"Okay, okay, settle down you two... Let's just eat the food while it's hot." I sighed, gesturing our eldest to sit down.

Yeah, sometimes, a family consists of pro-heroes who adore cats, a hero trainee, and a little kid. And I wouldn't want it any other way.

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