Chapter 16

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In Y/n's POV

Since Shou couldn't drive, and I didn't own a car or anything... we walked to the restaurant. Granted, we technically took the train for most of the way from Heights Alliance, but still. Besides, it was all worth it to go on a date with Shou. Wait. Was this a date even? I mean, Shou said that he liked me too technically... but he never really mentioned this as a 'date'. He just wanted to check out some restaurant out in town that Nemuri told him about. Yeah. Totally.

We were on the train that was heading into town right now. As I was just staring out the window, Shou asked, "You okay, (Y/n)?"

I snapped out of my trance, looking up to see his gray eyes, I nodded.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about... stuff."

"Oh? What kind of 'stuff'?" chuckled Shou as he cocked an eyebrow.

"Didn't your mom ever tell you that being nosey isn't polite?" I retorted as I playfully poked his scruffy cheek.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

The train came to a stop as we exited to walk to the restaurant Nemuri had mentioned.

"Here we are, Musutafu. Now what place did Nemuri want us to check out...?" asked Shou to himself, checking his phone for messages and maps.

"Could it be that one?" I asked, pointing towards a dimly lit restaurant across the street from where we were standing.

The sign read "フードポルノ".

Shou stared at the sign and then back at me.

"You gotta be kidding me..." sighed Shou as his eye twitched. "She wants us to eat at a fucking restaurant that's called 'Food Porn'?!"

I choked on my breath before beginning to laugh.

"Oh wow, she really outdid herself this time. I bet the food's absolutely to die for then. I bet even just looking at the menu will make you c-"

"Don't even think about finishing that repulsive sentence." deadpanned Shou as he cut me off.

"Sorry.. "

"Well, we came all the way here. Might as well give it a try." sighed Shou as he took my hand and walked inside.

As he took my hand in his own, I silently gasped and felt my face heat up at least a million degrees.

When we were finally sat at a table, a waiter, who looked like he was a college student, walked up to us and asked, "What drinks would you like to start your guys' evening?"

"Water will be just fine for me..." said Shou as he motioned for me to tell the waiter my choice of beverage.

"Uhm... w-wa-water is fine for me as well. Thank you." I stuttered out, a small bead of sweat rolling down the side of my face.

"Hey," Shou put his hand over mine and looked me in the eye. "you okay?"

He knew that I had terrible anxiety when it came to ordering things and just talking to strangers in general; another reason why I hated the media and interviews.

"Yeah... just... you know... hehe..." I forcibly chuckled out. "... so, what do you wanna order?"

"The sushi and miso soup looks good... or maybe the udon. I haven't had that in ages..." mumbled Shou as he flipped through the menu.

He was right. But not just about the sushi and udon... everything looked good. Jesus Christ, this place really lived up to their name, huh?

"What are you gonna get, (Y/n)?" he asked me, not looking up from his menu.

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