Chapter 11

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In Y/n's POV

I jumped on top of the light post, landing in a Spider-Man type of pose, with one hand in between my squatted legs and the other spread outwards. Finding my balance on the light post, I began to make a water web and aimed it at Shou.

"Just a heads up! I'm not gonna go easy on you just cause you're my best friend!" I exclaimed as my water web got to the size of basketball. I quickly aimed it at the Erasure hero, but he dodged it just as fast as it was made.

"At least we agree on something tonight," replied Shou, his grasp on his capture gear tightened as he shot up to where I was.

As I was about to make another water web, he activated his quick, rendering me almost useless. Once he got on top of the play structure and aimed his capture gear to the light post. As the threads of the fabric got into contact with me, they tightened around my arms and hips, making me lose my posture. I ended up dangling upside down from the light post, and Shou just began to swing on over with his stupid, cocky smirk plastered on his face.

"Guess I'm in the lead, (Y/n)." smirked Shou as he got a hold of my nose and shook it a little.

"Do you always wrap your opponents this tight or are you just one kinky motherfucker?" I asked sarcastically as I tried to squirm around and loosen it up.

"I'll make them tighter if you keep making snide remarks like that." threatened Shou, his goggles giving off a slight red glare from his quirk.

"I fucking dare you, Shouta. I fucking. Dare you." I said, glaring at the slightly older hero.

"I would, but I wouldn't wanna get your disgusting blood on my capture gear. I wear this almost every day, you know?" said Shou, the grip on me loosening a bit.

At this point, we had been staring at one another for a good 30 seconds or so... c'mon! Just blink once!

He blinked.

This made it so there was an opening.

I quickly made a web, slid out of the capture gear, and made another one on the ground underneath me. I bounced off of it and jumped into the air, getting behind Shou. He turned around quickly and activated his quirk again. I swung on the premade strings I made and got ready to swing at him with my right foot. I managed to hit him, but he also managed to grab my unoccupied foot in his capture gear. He swung me around and threw me onto the ground.

I hit the rubber ground of the playground hard. I had felt my skin burn. I had most likely gotten a ton of small bruises and scratches everywhere on my face. I brushed off the small pieces of rubber that fell around my cheeks and lips and got back up.

"Don't you know when to give up, (Y/n)?" asked Shou as he climbed down from the light post.

"No. You of all people should know that I'm one stubborn, little bitch." I huffed out, making my hands into fists as I got into a fighting position.

"Little is right." chuckled Shou, tightening his grip on his capture gear again. He took out his eyedrops and reapplied moisture to his eyes.

This was my chance.

I yelled as I ran towards him with all my willpower and activated my quirk. Even if I was gonna faint after this one move, I had to give it a shot. A light blue sphere began to form at my fingertips as I charged towards him. This move took all of the excess water in the user's body to create this humungous ball of the purest form of water. I could see how Shou's eyes dilated in size when he saw my hands glow that bright shade of blue.

"RAINSTORM SPHERE...!" I yelled, the ball hurling towards Shou.

The big ball of water hit Shou and sent him crashing towards the wall of a fake building behind him.

Afterwards, I felt so weak that I ended up fainting. My head was throbbing with pain and my vision went hazy. The last thing I remember seeing was the light post across the street.


I woke up feeling a lot better, but my head still hurt a bit and my arms felt like someone ripped them off and then sewed them back on. Looking around the room, I saw that I was in Shou's room. Turning to my left, I saw the moon's soft light shine through the window. As I heard the door open, Shou came into the room.

"Where's Mirio? Where's Eri?" I asked, sitting up a bit in his bed.

"Eri's asleep and I sent Mirio back home when we came in."

"I don't remember coming in...?"

"You fainted. I carried you back here." explained Shou, resting his hand on the nape of his nape.

I saw the bandages.

"Are you okay?! Did I do that to you?!" I exclaimed, panicked and concerned for my friend.

"Yeah, don't worry. Nothing Recovery Girl can't take a good look at on Monday. You really threw me off with using your 'Rainstorm Sphere' earlier. I don't think I've ever seen you use it since high school." chuckled Shou, taking his hand off of his neck, and placed it softly over my own hand.

"Yeah... I guess... It's a pretty risky move, so using it sparingly would be the wise decision." I said, looking at the blanket covering my lower half and then back up at my best friend sitting next to me on the bed.

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm feeling much better... but my head still hurts a bit... and it feels like my arms were torn apart."

"Your move does take up all the excess water in your body. Of course you would feel a pain in your hand and arms." explained Shou. "Hey, I'll go make us some tea. How does that sound?"

"That sounds lovely... Thanks, Shou..."

He got up and left the room.


The next morning, I rolled over to my other side, but got stopped by some sort of wall. Upon opening my eyes, all I saw was messy, black hair, a black tank top, and.... arms.

"Ugh... what...?" I mumbled, getting up from my sleeping position.

The wall just-so-happened to be Shou's back... looked like he wasn't awake yet. His arms. They were... out. Now, Shou wasn't the most muscular guy, but he wasn't a spaghetti noodle either. He looked so peaceful sleeping as well... You probably couldn't even tell that he's a badass pro-hero. He looked so... peaceful... his closed eyes... his scar... his... lips...

His lips looked so... kissable. The stubble and small hairs around his lips and chin only made the temptation to kiss him grow. I had been literally dreaming about kissing him for so long... and I could steal one right now if I wanted to...! Would it be wrong? I mean... this would be my first kiss! And possibly even Shou's too! He doesn't deserve to share his possible first kiss with someone as disgusting as me... It should be with someone that he loves...

As I was about to pull away from him, I suddenly felt a hand go behind my head, forcing me towards Shou. And at that moment in time... Shou and I... kissed.

A/n: oh how the tables have turned. Hehehehe.... I'm updating a lot more frequently and I'm kinda scared lmao

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