Chapter 1

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In Y/n's POV

Waking up from the sun shining in my eyes through the cracks of my window was one of the worst things ever.

I saw Shouta across the table from me, papers scattered everywhere and two bowls of ramen from late last night.

Okay, this definitely made up for it.

Silently unlocking my phone and opening up the camera application, I took a picture of my unconscious friend for blackmail and/or just to stare at when having a bad day.

My eyes looked all over the picture of Shouta... and then gradually went over to the current time. It was 7:28AM.

"Shit...!" I exclaimed, standing up from my seat in the kitchen area.

"AH! HUH? WHAT?! IS THAT FUCKING NOMU BACK?!" exclaimed Shouta, also standing up from his seat after being woken up abruptly.

"NO THE TIME; WE'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" I yelled, pushing in my chair. "Wait.. we graduated from UA years ago... Never mind..." I said, pulling out my chair again to sit back down.

. . .

"SHIT WE'RE TEACHERS. SHOUTA GRAB YOUR SHIT AND GET OUT THE DOOR!" I exclaimed, the sudden rush of realization hitting me. ... and Shouta himself.


"You idiot, how could you forget that we're teachers?" he scolded me, lightly slapping the back of my head with his hand.

"Sorry... my brain was fried from grading all those papers last night..." I yawned, stretching my muscles out.

"Be lucky that we live close to the school... Any further out and we would've been late." said Shouta, putting his hands back in his pockets as usual.

"Yeah, yeah... By the way, here's your lunch." I said, handing the Erasure hero a little tied-up bag. "I was gonna give it to you eariler, but we were in a rush to leave home..."

"Huh? Oh, thanks, (Y/n)." said Shouta, taking the small black package.


When Shouta walked into the class, everyone went totally silent. Man, they must really be intimidated by him. Little do they know that he's basically harmless if you're not a villain or anything like that.

"Alright class, today, someone very special is going to be teaching you the basics of stealth." He gestured for me to come in.

"Oo~! Is it a hero like Spider-Man, sir?!" asked a plain-looking boy with green eyes and freckles.

"Sorry to disappoint you kid, but I'm not exactly Spider-Man." I giggled out as I walked into the room.

My hero outfit consisted of a light-weight (f/c) baggy hoodie with dark blue jeans and black running shoes.

"I'm Hooder, the Web Hero. Most- if not all of you probably don't know who I am... I don't really like the media like your teacher here... Too much publicity and cameras, a heh-heh..."

Dead silence.

"Okay then..." I trailed off, scratching the back of my head.


"Hm? Yes?" It was that freckled kid again.

"You're that one hero who was seen fighting with Ms. Joke and Mr. Aizawa all those years ago in the paper..!"

I cringed and choked on my own saliva.

"Oh shit, so you do know who I am..." I whimpered under my breath, hoping the children didn't hear me cursing.

"So, are you and Mr. Aizawa together?" asked a much more shorter male in the class- a boy with purple balls on his head for hair. Mineta. Shouta warned me about him.

"Please refrain from asking questions related to our personal lives. Whether or not Shou- Aizawa and I are together does not pertain to your education or journey to becoming a hero." I said in a matter-of-fact tone. "So, any questions actually regarding today's lesson?"

A boy with glasses stuck his hand up quickly.


"What will you be teaching up today then, Ms. Hooder?" he asked as his made hand motions.

"Please, just call me Ms. (Y/n). No need to call me by my hero name." I giggled, leaning back against Shouta's teaching podium. "Well, I'm glad you asked, young man. Today, what I'll be teaching you kids is how to strike an opponent from behind when you're above them."

The kids all had wide eyes.. or at least most of them.

"But why would we need to know how to do that when I can just blast their entire face off with one punch?" one boy said with ash blonde, spiky hair.

"Well, not all of us have an explosive quirks, mister. Besides, how you even approach this tactic would vary depending on what kind of quirk you have." I explained to the kids, letting my hand create a small web for demonstration.


After class was dismissed for lunch, Shouta and I sat on the floor of his classroom to eat lunch together.

"Wouldn't you much rather eat with Yamada and Nemuri or something in the teachers' lounge? It's much more comfortable than the floor." asked Shouta, sitting up and getting out of his sleeping bag.

"Nah, Yamada is too loud for me to deal with when I'm trying to eat and Nemuri is probably busy right now anyways... Right here on the floor, surrounded by peace is right where I wanna be to eat lunch. You being here is just an added bonus...!" I said, taking out my lunch.

"... I guess."

"Thank you for the food we're about to receive." Shouta and I both said quietly in unison before beginning to open up the bentos.

"Huh? Mackerel and rice?" said Shouta, a confused expression on his face.

"There wasn't much in the fridge so I had to work with what we had... Hope the mackerel isn't too cold..." I said as I ate a piece of mackerel.

"I guess we need to go grocery shopping today..." said Shouta quietly, barely even audible to me, and I was sitting right next to him.

"Huh, I guess you're right. We should make a list so we don't forget." I said as I picked up some rice with my chopsticks.

Shouta nodded.

"By the way,"

I turned to look at my best friend. "Yeah?"

"That was a good lesson... the way you taught the kids, I mean." finished Shouta, beginning to slowly eat his lunch.

"Oh, uhm, thanks..." I said, my face beginning to turn a light pink shade.

A/n: ....hi. I'm back from the dead hee hee. It's currently a little past 11PM here as I'm writing this so like... yeah. This chapter is more of just domestic school shit (don't worry there's a lot more domestic shit coming along uwu). I've been getting more and more... lazy??? Idk. I'm not like on a hiatus or anything... but most- if not all of you guys know that I pop out updates on whatever irregularly/barely. ...yeah. btw Aggrestsuko season 2 was fucking cute as hell hee hee bye

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