man i just love writing stuff late at night huh

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A/n: ding! Ding! Ding! You guessed it! Another one shot thing because it's almost midnight again and pleasehelpdontleavemealoneanymoreikeepthinkingofshitlikethis-

As always, this has NOTHING to do with the main story, hence why it's called a "one-shot". Welp. Enjoy. Or don't. I'm not the boss of you.

Modern Teacher! AU

Basically you guys are just normal high school teachers and don't have heroes or villains or anything like that. Just boring 'ol high school. But you do have quirks cause some are mutant quirks sooooo ALSO I'm gonna set this in America (I'm sorry) solely because I'm like 99% sure classrooms in Japan aren't conjoined (not all classrooms are connected in America either but some are)

"...and this will be you new classroom Ms. (L/n)." said principal Nezu, as he stopped me at a door at the beginning of a hall.

"Oh, um, thanks, Mr. Nezu... I'm sure I'll find the room charming." I said as he tossed me the key to my new classroom.

I was teaching Seniors this time around. I just hope they wouldn't be as noisy as Freshmen... I hadn't been getting as much sleep as of lately due to... noisy neighbors. Those fucking horndogs.

It was about a week or so before the new school year started so I had time to set up my new classroom. Although... there wasn't much to decorate or anything; a couple posters about English and just my personal things to put on my desk...


New year. ... same me. I mean, it's only been a w e e k. Well, I just hope that the Seniors like me...

As the bell rang, students began filing into class.

"Oh! You're the new teacher but not really right?" a girl with bubbly lavender hair and eyes said.

"Oh, uh... if by that you mean that i switched from 1st to 3rd year's, then yes. I'm Ms. (L/n)." I said, reaching out my hand to greet the girl.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. (L/n)! My name is Neijire Hado!" she said happily, shaking my hand with both of hers.

Well, she certainly seems like the more extroverted type.

"Gooooooood morning, teach!! It's an honor to be a Senior finally after those other three, hard years!" exclaimed a blond who rushed into the classroom a few moments later.

"Good morning to you too..."

"Mirio Togata!" saluted the blue-eyed student who was known as Mirio.


He smiled one last time before going to find a vacant seat.

Other students walked in talking amongst themselves or minding their own business.


As the day went on, I had basically just introduced each of my classes about what we'd be going over this year and the standard rules of a classroom.

I had wanted to pass out a piece of paper to everyone so I could get to know them a little better since I'd be teaching them for about 10 months. I had run out of the stack of paper I initially took out from the morning, so I had to go to the storage room to get more.

"Just a moment, class... I'll be just a moment from the supply closet. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." I said, excusing myself from my students.

As I was pulling out a fresh stack of paper from one of my boxes, I saw someone from the corner of my eye in the other room. It was a man with black, messy hair and black eyes. From the looks of it, he taught English as well, but to Freshmen instead. I quickly looked away before he could catch me and then went back into my classroom. Goddammit, he was cute.


As each day passed, for about two weeks, I would spend my spare time looking at him through that tiny window space in the door, hoping he would never find out my little secret.

One day during lunch, a small knock was at the door between our classrooms. It was the cute teacher next door shit-

"Call me crazy, but have you been watching me?" he asked, his hands resting in his pockets.

Oh God, his voice was so beautiful.

"Whaaaattt? Meeee? Pshhhhh, no..."

He cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Okay, maybe. So what if I have?"

"Well, for starters, don't you know it's rude to stare at other people? Especially if they don't know about it..." the mystery man said, scratching his stubble.

"Um... well..."

"And I bet you don't even know my name..."

Shit. He's onto me.

"I mean, it would be nice to know the name of my co-worker. Y'know, since we're next door neighbors and all..." I mumbled, leaning against my desk.

"Shouta. But you call me 'Aizawa' whenever there are others around. Especially other students." he said, taking a small step towards me.

There was something so alluring to him. Shouta. He was tall, looked fairly fit, looked kinda homeless from how unkempt his hair and clothes were. I liked him already.

"And you can call me '(F/n)'." I said, reaching my hand out to shake his.

We shook hands, but then he pulled me towards him, my ear right next to his mouth.

"How about we get some coffee after school... and then maybe... my place?" whispered Shouta. My face must've been so red at that moment.

"S-s-sure! That'd- I'd love to. That sounds lovely. Thank you, Shouta." I replied, regaining my posture.

"Huh... I like how my name rolls off your tongue."

I blushed even more. I didn't even think that was possible.

"We aren't allowed to be... affectionate towards other co-workers like this on or during school hours and property... but..."

"Meet you 2:30 (14:30)?"

"Sounds like a date." said Shouta.

The bell rang, signifying that lunch was over.

"Well, that's our cue to get us back to work...!" I said, a small, nervous chuckle coming out at the end.

"I guess so..." said Shouta as he started to turn around to head back into his own classroom. "Oh, and for the record, I've been looking at you too through the window."

As he shut the door that connected our rooms together, I swear I felt my heart skip a beat.

A/n: super short ik but I'm starting to get tired and also idk

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