Chapter 6

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In Y/n's POV

On the train ride back home, I sat down next to one of the exits while Shou was standing up, holding onto one of the rings for support.

"Shou, you can sit down if you'd like, you know..." I said, patting the seat next to me, wanting my friend to rest for a bit.



He nudged his face a bit to our right. There, coming towards us, was an elderly woman with a cane.

"Oh, excuse me, but is this seat taken, young lady?" asked the elder, her arm behind her back, supporting it.

"Oh, n-no, not at all! The seat's all yours, ma'am!" I said nervously, standing up so the elderly lady could sit more comfortably. I got up and stood next to Shou.

"... sorry."

"Why are you apologizing all of a sudden? You did nothing wrong?" asked Shou, looking at me oddly.

"For... you know... the seat..." I mumbled, gripping onto his arm, making sure I don't fall over.

"You did nothing wrong... You were just looking out for me. And when you saw the old lady coming, you gave up your seat and let her rest. It's what I would've done as well." said Shou, his piercing, tired gaze never leaving me.

"S-stop staring at me... It's rude to stare." I said, my face heating up a bit from prolonged eye-contact.

"Sorry." said Shou, looking away from me, and out the window.


Unlocking the door to our apartment, we were greeted by Mochi, who was pushing his bowl towards me.

"Mochi?" asked Shou, taking off his scarf.

"Dinner?" I asked, looking over at Shou, taking off the hoodie I borrowed from him.

With only a single nod we shared, we took care of the tasks at hand. While Shou started to prepare something to eat, I got out Mochi's cat food from the cabinet.

After throwing away the empty can of cat food, I noticed how messy Mochi's litterbox was getting. And how much shit there was.

"Hey Shou?"

"Yeah?" was all I heard from behind me.

"I'm gonna go throw out and refill Mochi's litterbox, kay?" I said, pouring the dirty contents of the animal's litterbox into the trabshbag. "I'll refill your box in a few minutes, okay Mochi?" I scratched under his chin, and Mochi purred, but soon walked away as soon as I pulled away to take out the garbage.

As I walked down to the garbage room on the ground level of the 1-A Alliance, I overheard a couple students talking.

"Hey, so do you think Aizawa-Sensei and (Y/n) are a thing?" said a voice.

Peeking around the corner, I saw Bakugou and Kirishima talking. They must've been training a bit.

"I don't care, it's none of my business whether or not they're together. Now, let's get to working out already, Kirishima... You wanted to do this in the first place!" yelled the explosive teen, a few small explosions appearing from his palms.

"But, don't you see the way she looks at him during class? And how they're always together? Doesn't that make you think that there's something going on?" asked Kirishima, starting to do a couple sit-ups.

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