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A/n: I got another one shot idea the other day- I MIGHT be updating this multiple times either today or this weekend because I have several ideas so get ready for those maybe hehe >:D

Btw NO this is NOT a continuation or related to the main story whatsoever. Everyone may be way ooc as well oops Also this will have some nsfw scenes in it so uhhhh hahaghahahaa and I don't really write nsfw stuff so please bear with me if it's bad lmao

In Y/n's POV

"Oh God. What happened now..."

What? My- my voice...? No wait... it was... deep. Like... SUPER deep. It sounded like...


I looked in front of me. I was looking at... me...?

"I'm sorry, WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT ME BEING SHORT?" I said, eyebrows furrowed and twitching. "That's not a very wise set of words to say to someone when you're within slapping distance."

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO US, YOU WEIRDO?!" Shou yelled at the villain.

"Muahahahahaha~! I thought it was pretty obvious what the potion did..." the villain said in a cynical manner.

"Why you little..." growled Shou, jumping up and onto a building with his webs to get closer to the villain.

"Says the one who looks like a zygote." snickered the villain as she jumped back a bit, avoiding Shou's webs.

I covered a laugh quickly before Shou heard me... wait... SHE WAS INSULTING ME FIDKKAKKZWKROW.

"Hear that, Hooder? She thinks you're a zygote. Haha." said Shou as he looked back at me with a smirk.

"Yeah, yeah! I heard what she said... shut up about it and let's just pummel her ass to the ground already!" I yelled, tightening my grip on the capture gear.


Trudging into our apartment, tired and bruised, I fell straight over the couch and laid on the back of it.

"(Y/n)... sit up. I need to take a good look at your bruises and what the potion did..."

"We already know what the potion did... It switched our bodies..." I mumbled out as I threw the capture gear onto the seats of the couch.

"Either way, I still need to see your injuries. Sit up, idiot." said Shou as he took of the hoodie and gloves he was wearing, revealing a (s/f/c) shirt underneath.

"Mmm... do I have to...?" I grumbled out as I rubbed his eyes.

"Quit complaining and sit up already. I already have the first-aid kit here."

Finally complying with my boyfriend, I flopped over on the couch and sat up.

"Gimme your arm." said Shou.

As I sat there, quietly, on the couch with Shou, he treated to my wounds, and I did the same to him as well after.

"... what are we gonna do about school then...? I'm not capable enough to teach a bunch of students... I'm only your TA after all." I said, pulling the sleeves of the costume back down.

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