Chapter 7

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Hey hey, minor spoilers from the actual series so... ye

A while had passed after the events of Shou's birthday, and right now, we were in the middle of a mission.... or I guess post-mission at this point. The League of Villains and the Yakuza they were working with had left little-to-no trails behind, same thing with the Shie Hassaikai group. Luckily, Eri was safe and sound in the hospital now, but still shaken up. I wouldn't blame her either.

After she had gotten better, to the point where she could stand up and walk, Eri moved into the Class 1-A Alliance and was staying with Shou and I in our quarters. While Shou and I were at UA teaching, Mirio looked after her as he was taking a break from school for... obvious reasons.


One evening, while I was petting Mochi and Shou had gone out with Eri to get dinner, a knock was at the door. It couldn't have been Shou or Eri since they have the keys... could it be a student?

I got up to get the door, and low-and-behold when I opened it up, it was in fact a student- Iida.

"Iida..? What are you-"

"Where is Aizawa-Sensei?!"

"He went out to get dinner... Why?"

"The students...! Mineta is-"

"Say no more..."


I rushed to the Class 1-A Alliance and busted into the main room.

"ALL RIGHT, WHERE'S MINETA." I exclaimed, webs starting to form at my fingertips.

"M-m-miss (Y/n)!" shrieked Midoriya, his hands and face all over the face and beet red.

"WHERE IS HE?!" I grumbled out as the webs on my hands started to glow blue.

The freckled boy only screeched, "I-IN HIS ROOM! S-SECOND FLOOR!"

Upon opening the door, there on the floor lay an assortment of undergarments or all sizes and colors.

"What is going on here." I said, my eyes starting to twitch. What I saw before me was beyond disturbing.

Mineta slowly turned around with a pink colored underwear in this hand.

He gulped as he said, "Nothing...?"

I activated my water webs and strung him together, leaving him basically mummified in webbing.

"If you move even an INCH, I won't hesitate to call your guardians to tell them about this entire situation. Now, if you excuse me, I need to go give the girls their clothing back." I said, gathering up the undergarments in a small webbed bag I managed to make. I closed the door behind me, and started to walk towards the elevator.

After I gave the girls their clothes back, I sat down on one of the couches in the living area. I let out a sigh and dumped my head into the cushions.

A heard a soft thump near me. When I opened up my eyes, I saw a cup of tea and two pairs of hands. Looking up, I saw Todoroki and Iida.

"Thank you... If you hadn't let me know as soon as you did... who knows what would've happened..." I said, taking the cup of tea to sip out of it.

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