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"Run! Run, faster! Save yourself, my child!"


"Run, lisa! Run!"

He can't do anything but run. He ran into the woods, hoping that he would find something to stay in. Luckily, he found a cave. It was raining outside. Thunderbolts appearing. Suddenly, a silhoutte covered the entrance of the cave. The lightning appear again, making the silhoutte known itself. It was a woman.

"Alpha," she started

"Who are you? What are you going to do with me?" he asked

"There's something in you that keeps me tempting..."

"What do you want from me?"

"I want you,"

"I won't give myself to you" lisa shakes his head. Disagreeing to the woman in front of him. She smirked.

"Is that it? Oh, you will love, you will" she walked towards him. He suddenly felt a pair of lips landed into his, he closed his eyes. The woman pulled away,

"You know where to find me," that's the last word he hears before he fainted.

I AM A DEMONWhere stories live. Discover now