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After 2 months....


Sounds of bells ringing echoed inside the castle.

Lisa was scared, thinking that his fiancé will run away when jennie was so obsessed and in love with him.

Seulgi held his shoulder, "She's not gonna run away, bro. She's both obsessed and in love with you, how can she run away? You're thinking too much. Relax, lis. She's gonna show up, trust me"

Lisa inhale and exhaled. He kept rubbing his hand to shake the nervouse away.

Jisoo attended their wedding with her girlfriend rosè which is on the room with jennie and irene. At first rosé fainted, hearing the news she didn't expect. Of course, who would've though that lisa was not a human but a hybrid werewolf?


"This is it, jennie. No backing out. You love him and he loves you" she said to herself while staring at the mirror as the make up artist starts putting make up on her face.

After a few minutes, her make up was done. The hairstylist starts to do her hair. She command the hairstylist that she want it to be seductive. The hairstylist agreed and do what she says.

It took 30 minutes to finish her hair. The result was so good. The hairstylist do her job well.

"Gosh, you're so beautiful jennie. Lisa will be stunned later" irene said while clasping a hand on her mouth. She was amazed by jennie's beauty.

"And he would drool because of that sexy gown of yours" rosé added, standing behind her.

Jennie smiled at the compliments thrown at her. She heaved a deep sigh.

"It's time" she said and stood up.

They went out of the room. Irene returned on her seat on the front row for she's the bride's maid.

"She's here" momo said.

The music starts as jennie walked on the altar with rosé escorting her. Her heart pounded with love towards the man who waited her on the end of the altar.

Lisa looked at her. His eyes starting to water as emotions invaded his heart. He blinks, trying not to cry.

Jennie reached the end of the altar. Before rosé handed her hands on him, she says,

"Take care of my bestfriend, lis. Love her all you can. Give her attention she wanted, and lastly, cherish and treasure her as yours"

"I will" lisa said and rosé smiled, handing jennie's hand into him.

The priest started the ceremony. After that, they said their vows and lisa kissed jennie on her lips.

The people of demonzilla rejoiced at their queen's wedding. Finally, their Queen is not alone. She has someone who can take care of her, love her, and adore her.


"Now, let's welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Manoban!"

The people cheered as jennie and lisa sat on their throne, hand in hand.

The people ding their fork on their goblet, sign for the couple to kiss. They kissed and the people were amazed on them.

The squad were teary-eyed, seeing their lisa happily married to someone he loves.

The people started eating as lisa and jennie visited every people who attended their wedding.

Jennie walked towards her bestfriend's table. She hugged them all.

"Congrats, jendeuk! We're happy for you!" jisoo said.

"Me too, jennie. I'm happy for you" irene said.

"Mwe, to. Unnie" rosé said as her mouth was full of food.

"Awwwww. Wait, I have to introduce you all to lisa's squad" jennie said excitedly.

Lisa was on his squad, they were laughing until jennie and her bestfriends interrupted them. The squad bowed.

"Unnie!" lisa said and hugged her.

"Y-yah! I-I can't breathe!" jisoo said as she tapped lisa's shoulder.

"Sorry, unnie." lisa said while tapping her back.

"Guys, this is rosé, jisoo, and irene" jennie said.

Seulgi's gaze was directed on irene. She was stunned at her beauty.

"Hi, irene. I'm seulgi" she said and handed irene a hand for her to shake. The squad was shocked at her.

"Hello" irene accepted the hand and smiled at her.

Seulgi blushed. The squad squealed.

"Looks like seulgi found her soulmate" wendy said.

"Yieeeeeeeeee." momo added

Lisa laughed and hugged his wife. He kissed her lips.

"I love you" he said while staring at her.

"I love you, too" jennie said and snuggled closer to him.

As the reception finished, the people leave so as lisa's squad and jennie's bestfriends.

Since it was already night, jennie offered the unused guest room them.

"Goodnight, jendeuk" jisoo said and went to her and rosé's room.

"Good night, unnie. Don't be too wild, okay?" rosé uttered.

"Yah!" she whisper-yelled as rosé went inside the room with jisoo.

"Good night, jennie. Have a sweet night full of pleasure" irene said and hugged her before entering the room.

Jennie sighed. She opened their room. What she saw, made her shocked.

Lisa was on the bed, naked. His hand stroking his shaft, who was standing proudly.

Jennie licked her lips and undress herself. She locked the door and sauntered towards her husband, naked as the day she was born and crawled onto the bed. She straddled his thighs.

Lisa sat up and kissed her roughlyand she moaned. He changed their position. There's no foreplay needed because they both wanted it so badly.

He pointed his cock on her entrance. Without a warning, he rammed inside her. She gasped.

Lisa didn't let her adjust and started pounding into her wet cunt. He groaned at her tightness.

"AH! Baby, you're so good. Oh my god." she said and moaned loudly.

"You're mine" he said possessively and deepen his thrust.

"Shit, you're so deep inside me, babe. More, I want more! Ah!" she said and wrapped her legs on his waist and he make love to her hard.

"I'm cumming, baby. I'm cumming" he said and groaned.

"Cum inside me, babe. Breed me!" she moaned as the pleasure took her body.

"I'll fucking breed you, baby. I fucking will. Now, take my cum, take my cum, baby" he said and hardens his thrust.

Jennie clamped around him. They both screamed and climaxed together. His cock spurted ropes of cum inside her.

After the earth-shattering orgasm, lisa pulled out and lie beside jennie and pulled her into a hug.

"I love you" he said and stuff his head into the crook of her neck.

"I love you, too" she responded as both of them sleep. Hugging each other so tight. Sharing each other's body heat.

**Author's Note**

The next chapter is the last

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