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Lisa couldn't sleep. He decided to unwind herself on the balcony of his house. He saw the stars winking at her. The bleakness of the air hits his skin, made her shiver and feel cold at the same time. Memories came back from the earlier incident. He couldn't help but think about the demon goddess. Heart beats faster than the usual pace. He actually finds her attractive.

Walking back to his bed, he felt drowsy and fell asleep quickly, not noticing the same red cat-like eyes that were watching him sleep.

Lisa woke up when his phone rings. Birds, chirping and happily whistling unto the branch of the trees where they're in. Picking up the phone on the bedside table, his eyes became slits and began frowning at the caller.

"Who might this be? He or she is disturbing my precious sleep!" he answered the phone.


"Your majesty, there's a problem" his most trusted person said

"What is it?"

"I'm sorry, your majesty. With all respect and apology, I have to say that our security system has been destroyed by the enemies from the south wing and attacked us suprisingly"

"What?! How did this happen?! I told you to tighten our security, yet you let them to embarked our kingdom! Tell them that I'm coming"

"Yes, your majesty"

The phone call ended. He balled his fist  and punched the wall endlessly. Blood flowing out in his injured knuckles.

"That bitch try to seduce me and even attacked my kingdom. Fuck you, jennie ruby jane kim!"


"How's the raid, jin?"

"It was successful, my queen. Their security is a bit too tight, but we managed to break in"

"Good job, jin. Dismiss"

I played the cup of wine in my hands. The plan was successful, like chess. You have to think of the most easiest way to checkmate the opponent. Hanbin's tactic was evident and easy. The wolves had been checkmate by me.

I stood up and leave the throne celebrate with myself.

Another win against the wolves.

I reached the bathroom and plunge my body through the jacuzzi filled with vanilla scent. The strong smell reached my nose and I relaxed. Laughing at the though that lisa lost again.

"My love, my love. Make up your mind and surrender to me right now or else you'll face my greatest gift for you"

I'll make him kneel in front me, make everyone see who really deserves to be the leader of the clan, also, making him mine. As my lover, as my king and me as his possession, as his one and only queen. Then, we'll be making love endlessly.

I cleaned myself and stood up from the jacuzzi, wearing a red robe. Turning on the audio speakers, I play the song sway with me. It was the erotic song from the nineteenth century and had been my favorite all the time.

Sound of song and my feet dancing is the only the thing I needed to hear and feel. The rhythm of the music is flowing currently with my body. What if lisa and I dance this? It will be the most erotic dance if it will happen in the near future. The thought of it made my core tingle with anticipation.

With the sound of the music, my hands started to roam around my body. Until it stops to my core. I plunge two fingers, pleasuring my own needs.

"Ah" I moan. Pulling out, I turned off the music and lie down the bed. Plunging two fingers again. In. Out. In. Out.

"Ah, lisa!" I screamed his name like a needy bitch in heat. I was horny and ready to be fucked.

"Oh, shit. Yes!" I moaned loudly, not caring if my maids here me.

"Oh, fuck! I'm cumming!" I screamed and clenched around my fingers. My liquid gush out and drenched my fingers. I pulled out and wiped them with a clean cloth. I pant heavily, feeling all the air filled my greedy lungs.


Lisa barged in the kingdom with a dark aura surrounding him. No one dares to approach the fuming king. All were scared and nervous.

"The king has arrived" the guard said.

All of them went back to their position and attentioned, not wanting to anger the king more. The heels were the only one heard. It was very quiet, no one dares to break the silence. The king sat on his throne, looking so dangerously.

"How did the enemies managed to break in the kingdom? How did they destroy the defense? Tell me!"

They flinched at the voice of the king roaring inside the chamber. All of them looked down. Lisa shaked with anger. The burning fire in his eyes didn't let his men passed. It was turning into ocean blue.

"Your majesty, we tried. We tried to defend, but they're too strong"

"What?! Are you all forgetting that we are stronger?! What kind of defenses did you use?"

"Archers on the rooftop, your majesty"

A loud bang of an object was heard. All that were inside was shaking in fear.

"B-but when they invade us, we attacked them too. But, unluckily we lost the war against them"

"Are you all that useless? What are you all doing those days? Laughing? Drinking? You are all oblivious! All of you didn't defend the kingdom always that's why the enemies were easy to attack us"

"We apologize, your majesty"

"Dismiss. I don't want to see all of your faces in the mean time. Go! Leave me alone!"

The king was the one left behind the chamber.

"Fuck you ruby jane for doing this to me. I'll defeat you! You'll never get me!"

His heart clouded with anger and hate towards her. Sipping a cup of wine, he calmed himself before leaving the chamber"


It was night when I decided to go out. The moon was shining so bright like a sun. My bones started cracking, the familiar pain was back and I shifted as a wolf.

I run miles and miles until I arrived at the south wing, in the kingdom of Demonzilla. I took a sneak peak at the small hole.

"The arrows must have poison, so that it will kill them easily. Prepare the weapons and equipment, the queen has declared another war against the wolves in the next days"

I run back to the castle and summon the leaders to come into the chamber.

"Leaders, we have something important to discuss"

"What is it, your majesty?"

"Prepare for the upcoming war with the demons. We have to fight and win. This is our last straw. If we didn't, I declare that we are on full surrender"

I still won't let you get and wrap me around your fingers, ruby jane.

"Yes, your majesty. I'll tell all the soldiers to prepare the weapons and equipment needed"

What if we lose? Fuck, that bitch will definitely laugh at me if I lose again. What are you thinking, lisa? You better not let your mind be clouded with it. Just think that you are stronger than anyone else.

It was never easy. I have to think a better tactic to defeat the demons. No, a new one. I'll make a new one that can win against the demons.

This war would be a tough one.

I never expect this to be coming.

And now, it has arrived.

I'd better win this war. It's now or never.

**Author's Note**

Sorry for the late update!

Belated Merry Christmas and advance happy new year!

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