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Sounds of moaning was heard under the broad daylight. Two bodies were tangled in bed.

"Fuck, baby. Harder" jennie buckled her hips, urging lisa to go harder.

He obeyed and thrusted harder than ever. She arched her back, making her body contact with his. Wrapping his muscular arms around her waist, he started pounding onto her.

"Ohhhh!" she gasped and screamed, scratching lisa's back who groaned on pain and pleasure.

The bed started to bang on the wall. Jennie wrapped her legs around lisa's waist to push him deeper inside her.

"Fuck" he groaned and buried his head on her mate's neck.

The moans were getting louder and louder by any second. The two continued their pleasurable morning on the bed with the sun's light invading their room.

The morning was full of love and desire. Both were committed to each other. Hands intertwined together, afraid to let go.


After the earth-shattering love making, the king and queen proceeded to the dining room to eat their breakfast as their stomach grumbled with hunger.

The fancy foods were served by the maids and were placed neatly on the center. It should not be wasted even a little bit or you'll face the wrath of the queen.

The maids left them and close the door. Two guards were outside the closed door, guarding the dining room knowing that the queen and king were having a peaceful breakfast.

"Can you please pass me the caesar salad?" lisa asked gently.

"Of course, baby" jennie said and smirked at lisa who was blushing because of the endearment.

After handing the caesar salad, jennie squeezed his cheeks and he scrunched his nose in pain.

"You're so cute" the queen's gummy smile popped out. Lisa couldn't help but grin.

His heart melted at the sight. It was so adorable to see jennie's gummy smile.

"Y-you have to smile always. I-I like i-it" he stuttered and rubbed his nape.

Jennie, this time, squealed at her mate's cuteness. Suddenly, their stomach growled. He laughed making jennie's heart flutter in happiness. It was music to her ears.

"Okay, that's enough. Our stomach's complaining" lisa said and proceeded eating.

"Sure, baby"


"How's the weapon's I've been telling you to improve?"

"It was good, your majesty. We improved the stability, so that it will not be hard to aim and also the damage for better impact on enemies"

"Excellecent kind of mind, Mr. Wang"

"Thank you, your majesty" he bowed before leaving the tent I was in.

I was planning on attacking the Demonzilla tonight, but that was kinda rush. So, I decided to attack them on the other day without them knowing. That's my surprise. I'm gonna give them a big damn war and I'll make sure of it.

There's thousands of my armies are training today. I'm not gonna stop until I'll kill lisa and take jennie to be my queen. If that happens, we will be the most powerful in this world. Then lisa came into the picture and broke my dream like piece of paper. That bastard took my jennie. That fucking piece of shit.


2 days later...

Sounds of laughter were heard through the halls of the castle.

It was night when lisa decided to take jennie on a date on the garden. Maids helped lisa on decorating and arranging chairs. The chefs cooked fancy dish which is Fettuccine Alfredo. Then lisa hired some musicians from the castle to play romantic music to them while eating dinner.

As it was finished, lisa ran back to the castle and to their room to change his attire into a suit. He spotted jennie onto the balcony, dressed with a red dress. He walked towards her spot.

"Are you ready?" he asked

Jennie turn around and he was stunned at her beauty, jaw hanging wide. She chuckled at his reaction and put her hands on his chest, fixing the lapel of his suit.

"A fly might come inside your mouth, baby. Close it, or.. Do you want me to close it?" A smirk tugged on her lips.

He was snapped and close his mouth, a smile appeared on his face, making him look even more handsome than before.

"It seems that you're ready, but before that, let me put this blindfold on you" he said as he stood behind her and put the blindfold on her eyes.

"You're kinky, baby. It makes me wanna fuck you right here, right now" she said

"Jennie.." his warned.

"Okay, I'm gonna stop"

"Let's go"

He carefully guided her out of the room, down the stairs and outside the castle. Once they reached the garden, lisa stopped and let go of jennie.

"Baby? Are you still here?... Did you run away from me?" she said and was about to broke down when she heard lisa's voice.

"Remove the blindfold, babe" he said
Jennie slowly removed the blindfold and was amazed at the sight before her.

"Are you the one who made this?" she asked

"Yes. I asked all the maids to help me decorate this entire thing" he uttered while rubbing his nape, blushing so hard.

Without any further ado, jennie hugged him. Her heart melted at his effort.

"Awwww, I'm touched, baby. This is so romantic." she whispered onto his ear and bit his earlobe. Lisa shuddered.

"For you" he said while pulling away, handing the rose on his hand to her.

She gladly accept it. Her heart flutters and beat wildly against her ribcage.
Lisa pulled a chair for jennie to seat and he sat on the opposite, facing each other.

The waiter served their food. Lisa signaled the muscians to start playing. They started to eat. Lisa stared at her like she was his future. Well, she was.

"Lisa, this is so beautiful. I never had this kind of date in my life. Thank you" she said, there was sincerity on her voice.

Lisa smiled at her, "I love you"

He blushed and she chuckled, "I love you too."

They were dancing on the floor. Lisa twirled jennie before catching her on the waist and pull her on his chest.

Lisa slowly leaned in, their face were so close to each other. As they were about to kiss, when a guard shouted.

"We're under attack!"

As they heard it, they pulled away and heard the screams of people and swords clashing.

They were about to run, a familiar voice stopped them.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Having fun on yourselves?"

**Author's Note**

What do you think will happen next?🤔🤔🤔🤔

Anyways, here's the update.

Malapit na kong maubusan ng english😂.

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