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It was raining,

People running down the streets way back to their home. Lights flickered, making the scene looked more scary. I wonder why they doesn't believe tales or supernaturals. I haven't figured it out but, I'm working on it.


Wolf's enemies.

Most dangerous being I've found, can kill you in a blink of an eye. Their more carnivores than us. More evil than the vampires I've encountered.

I'm in the one of the most popular hotel in the whole world, the five star hotel. The rain had stopped.

It was night, the moon shines so bright.

My bones started snapping, cracking. I felt pain all of a sudden, I shifted to my wolf form

Roaming around the streets, was my hobby at night. Finding something to eat. The night was ending, I needed to go back to the hotel. I shifted in the human form.

Making my way back home, I heared something.  A scream. I immediately run towards the direction of the sound. I found a girl. A man on top of her. He ripped her panties, throwing it to the side.

"P-please, I-I'm begging you don't do this to me.."

He slapped her, "Shut your mouth!"

She sobbed quietly, letting the tears stain her cheeks.

"I bet, it is tight and hot in here. Isn't it?"

The girl continued crying. He unbuckled his belt, took his shaft and started stroking. I moved quietly, not making any sound. He was about to shoved his shaft when I lunged at him,

"Fuck!" he pulled away, stumbling.

"Who are you? How dare you to interrupt?"

I didn't say any words, instead I lunged forward hitting his jaw. He fall down clenching his hand over the affected area.

"Fuck you!" he stood up, punching my face but I quickly dodge. Planting an uppercut on his chin. He slammed on the wall, he quickly took off his knife. Running towards my direction, his swiped, I caught his hand twisting it making the knife in his hand fell. He screamed in pain. I punched his nose, cracking sound was heared in the streets. He screamed again. I let his hand go, punching his face. He fell down on the floor, face full of blood. I walked towards the girl,

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Is-is he d-dead?"

"No, I just made him unconsious. He'll wake up..soon"

I took my jacket off my body and covered hers,

"W-what are you d-doing?"

"I'm just covering you"

I helped her stood up. I bent, for her to hop on my back, she immediately jumped. Arms on my neck, legs around my waist. I held her tight.

When we're walking, she suddenly asked,

"W-where are you taking me?"

"I'll take you to my apartment"

She nodded, snuggling her face into my neck. We we're in my apartment. I lay her on the couch. Heading upstairs, I find some clothes for her. I make my way down the stairs. Heading towards her direction.

"Here, use this." I hand her the clothes

"I'll let you stay in my apartment for a night. But my question is, do you have any relatives? Or any family members?"

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