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"What are we doing here, tzuyu? Why are we hiding from a--"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! He might see us! Dad will gonna kill me, finding his daughter roaming around the city!" she whisper-yelled

"Why are you dragging me in your problem? I'm innocent! I'm not in fault! It's you who are in fault!"

"Oh my gosh, I'm fucked up okay?"
I was gonna say when I heard her phone rang. Her eyes widened, looking at her phone, her lips trembled. She nervously answered.

"He-hello dad?................ I'm-I'm on my office, w-why?............ What? Okay, okay I'll hand it to you dad....... Bye, love you" she sighed

"What did your father say?" I ask her

"He said that, I'd better submit the files he has given me last week or else I'm doomed" she says. Rubbing her face, she looked on her phone again.

"Shit! It's 5 pm! I gotta go, unnie! Bye!"

I waved my hands on her as she fled away from the tree we're hiding.
I walked away from the tree, making my way to my house. Tsk, it's been days since Lisa talked to me. What happened to him?

My phone rang. I immediately answered,

"Hello? Who's this?"

"Are you Mrs. Kim's daughter?"

"Yes, I am. What happened?"

"Your mother met an accident here near the sidewalk, Ms. Kim"

My phone fell down from my hands. Tears ran down my cheeks. I don't know what I feel.

"Hello? Ms. Kim, are you there?"

I grabbed my phone and hung up. I quickly get inside of my car and drove fast.


Jisoo arrived at the hospital. She ran into the counter and there she met the doctor.

"Are you kim jisoo?"

"Yes, doc. What happened to her? Is there any severe injuries?"

"Currently, yes there is. Her brain has been damaged due to the hard impact on something hard that causes the blood to stuck or an internal hemorrage. This is seriously dangerous, Ms. Kim"

"Can you perform surgery on her?"

"I don't know, Ms. Kim. The chance is fifty percent, she would die in any moment"

She sobbed, the doctor tap her back gently. Pacifying her.

"Everything's gonna be fine" with that the doctor leave.

She stepped inside her mother's room and sat beside her, holding her hand.

"How are you mom? Sorry for being an irresponsible child"

She sat on the bench, crying her heart out. Her eyes were red from crying and her head was aching. She doesn't know what to do if her mom dies. Pulling out her phone, she called lisa.

"Hello, unnie?"

"Lisa, can we meet up in a restaurant?"

"What happened, unnie. Why does your voice sounds like your cying?"

"I'll tell you later"

At the restaurant.....

They sat on the restaurant and ordered some drinks.

"Tell me what happened, unnie"

"Mom met an accident earlier" she broked down into sobs again.

Lisa was shocked, he can't utter a word even a sound, he can't produce. His world seems to stopped, like the people around him stopped moving and jisoo was the only one he saw crying. He shook his head, trying to compose himself.

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