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I woke up with the sun shining and lighting my face.

Another day to go to the hospital. It was really devastating, I wish, I was by her side when the accident happened. Shrugging the thought, I stood up and took a shower.

1 hour later......

I'm here at the hospital, sitting beside her.

"Hi, mom. How's your third day in this hospital?" I asked. I know she wouldn't answer.

The door opened and I saw the doctor with the nurse coming towards in front of mom. The nurse checked my mom's vital signs.

They stepped out of the room, leaving me with my mom. I caressed her hand, rubbing circles.

"I love you, mom"



The king paced back and forth in his room, thinking critically.

'How can I escape here? Is it possible for me to escape? The castle was well secured.' he thought.

The door opened before he even think about it. Revealing jennie on her see-through red, night dress.

Without any further ado, lisa was slumped on to the bed. Jennie straddled him. In a blink of an eye, his hands were cuffed to the bed post.

"Hey! Let me g--" he was cut off by the Queen, placing a finger on his lips.

"Shhhhh. No one must know what we're gonna do and..." she leaned in, pressing her lips onto his ear, nibbling it softly. Grazing her teeth in his lobe.

"Everybody's asleep. We don't wanna wake them up, are we?" she whispered, smirking. Eyes were red and fangs ready to suck his neck.

He shivered at the contact. Stomach filled with butterflies inside. Lisa doesn't know what happened to his body, it seems like it has its own mind and control.

A gasp came out of his mouth when she grind her wet pussy into his.
It was a sudden timing when the rain pour itself heavily. Thunders appearing on the dark night, lighting the whole castle in split seconds.

A hand made it's way to lisa's chest down to his torso, exploring. Fingers lightly scratched his abs. He suddenly felt he was on fire. Sweat starting to came out of his body, making it more attractive for the Queen.

Jennie sucked his neck and already find his weak spot. A moan came out of his mouth. She smirked mentally before placing her hand inside his shorts. He yelped.

"P-please, don't d-do this to me. I beg you let me--" he was cutted off by his own moans. Jennie found his source of pleasure and felt him hardened immediately.

'Damn, he was huge' she mentally said, giggling.

Taking him into her hands, she squeezed him. Lisa's mouth opened and eyes closed due to pleasure he was feeling.

"F-fuck" he managed to utter.
Jennie released his cock and stripped his shorts, throwing it to the floor. A drool came out of her mouth at the sight of lisa being naked. Standing up, she stripped her own clothes, leaving her bare on the cold night.

Crawling on the bed, she positioned herself on top of him. Straddling his waist.

Lisa's eyes were fixed on her big breasts. A surge of blood making its way down to his cock. It hardened even more.

"Like what you see, darling?" she purred, staring at him seductively.

'Why does it sound so fucking hot? Damn, I'm going crazy. What am I thinking?! I shouldn't be affected' he thought.

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