CHAPTER 13 [Slight M]

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"Move! Faster!" the commander said.

The soldiers move fast, afraid that they might get punished.

Lisa and jennie were sitting together, watching all of them get trained by the professional commander.

"One wrong move and you will all repeat it again and again! Understand?!" the commander yelled.

"Sir, yes, sir!"


Lisa was really impressed at how the commander managed the soldiers. He shifted on his seat, finding a comfortable angle. He stopped when the new angle was comfortable. Hands were on the chair's arm. He sat like he was the king of the animals, well, he is; while jennie sat on her throne with her red eyes shift between the soldiers and the commander. She couldn't stand it if some of them makes a mistake even if it's a little bit, it's irritating her. It must be perfect.

The training finished at exactly 6 PM. All of them proceeded in their barracks to rest for another training tomorrow.

Lisa first stepped down the throne and offer his hand for her. Jennie immediately grasp it while she looks at him with sparkling eyes that was full of love and admiration. He couldn't look at her, if he did, he knew that he will going to melt under her stares. It makes his knees weak and his heart will pound wildy underneath his chest.

Lisa entered his room, followed by jennie who was eyeing him from behind.

Jennie's room was finished renovating and she doesn't have plans to stay in there. She wants to stay here. Lisa completely forgot about it. It's been two weeks since jennie started staying in his room.

She smirked and hug from him behind. He stiffened and a blush crept up on his face, feeling those breasts pressed against him.

"Hmm... You're always so warm when I hug you" she said.

His heart pounded wildly against his chest again. She'll be the death of him.
Lisa couldn't find the exact words to confess to her how he feels towards him. He was coward when it comes to love. He thought that the Queen was just using her for pleasure.

'It was just full pleasure, you idiot. It was nothing more than that. She doesn't love you. Yesterday, it was a full play to make the king of the vampire jealous' he said mentally

It wasn't true. The Queen fell for him the first time she met him. Jennie didn't believe in love before. Men were useless on her. They were just her toy and slave. But now, she finally knew what love is.

"C-can you u-unwrap your hands on me? I-I'll just removed my clothes" he stuttered.

"Why? You don't like my hands around you?" she said while her hands unbuttoned his shirt.

When she successfully unbuttoned it all, she ran her hands on his stomach up to his chest; repeating the motion.
Satisfied, her hands wander on his belt. Undoing it and unzipping his pants. Sliding her hand inside his boxer, she fished his flaccid member out of it's cage. Lisa groaned.

"Oh god.." he whispered

His breath was ragged. Jennie stroked him until he hardened. His knees weakened when she stroked him fast, causing him to moan loudly. A smirked appeared on her face.

Lisa grasped jennie's hand. He was panting heavily and his heart were pumping fast.

"A-ahh..." He moaned. It encourage jennie to go faster.

She bit his ear and he bucked his hips slightly.

"Fuck" he cursed under his breath while closing his eyes, feeling the pleasure.

Lisa's stomach tightened and it was cue that he will come.

"I-I'm coming!" he shouted

"Cum for me, baby. Let me feel that thick semen on my hands and I'll lick it off clean" with that lisa cummed with the loudest groan erupted on him.

Jennie smiled devilishly when she felt his semen her hand. She turned him around and let him see how she licked his semen off her hands.

"Hmmm...... So delicious" she moaned
Lisa groaned at the sight.

He pulled away and stepped into the bathroom. He removed his clothes before stepping under the shower. The shower were on and let the water run on his head down to his body.
Jennie sat on his bed. She was wet from jerking lisa off. It was such a delicious sight earlier. Hearing her king moaned was a fucking music on her ears.

A moment later, lisa stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. The sight was making jennie's throat dry. Lisa stand on the closet and took his indoor clothes.

He stepped inside the bathroom and wear the clothes. After that, he stepped out and sat beside the queen.

The silence rules between them, until lisa broke it.

"I couldn't do this" he said

"You couldn't what, baby?" jennie asked, concerned was found on her voice

"This.." he sighed "This thing between us, like having sex. It has to stopped. What happened between us is just a mistake"

Jennie was furious at lisa's word. How dare he say that? She was obviously stating her love for him through actions and he couldn't understand it.

"What? A mistake? You think it's a mistake, lisa? If it's a mistake then why did we do it again, huh?.... Is this something to do with that kai?" she asked angrily.

"It was all a mistake, jennie...... No, but I know you were trying to make him jealous and you succeeded" he said calmly.

'You don't love me, jennie' he said through his mind

'Yes, she is you idiot! Confess to her now. Let's see what her reaction will be' his inner said.

'Okay, this is it. No backing out' he said mentally.

"What the fuck, lisa?! You think I'm making him jealous? You were so fucking wrong! You were a dumb! Why can't you see that I'm--"

"I love you" he said then ran out of the room, leaving the door open.

Jennie was left frozen at lisa's revelation. Litterally, her mind stopped working and she couldn't speak. Her body stiffened. She only hears her heart beats for the man she loves.

After a couple of minutes, she regain her strength and a devilish smile appeared on her face.

"Finally, you are mine now" she said and laughing.

She walked out of the room with a smirk on his face while finding her man who just confess to her.

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