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"Lisa?!" jisoo exclaimed

"Yeah, it's me unnie"

"Yah! How dare you! Why didn't you show up in these past few months? Or even call me?" she bombarded him with questions

"Relax, unnie. I couldn't find the right time to call you, because I'm busy"

"Okay, okay. I know you were stressed today, so it's fine."

Jisoo turned her head on the side and caught rosé, smiling at her.

"By the way. Unnie, how's auntie?"

"Mom? She's okay. She was discharged a week ago and I let her stay with me" jisoo replied

"Nice, unnie. Now, you can take care of auntie. Unnie, I'll just hung up now. I have a lot of things to do and I'm sorry that I didn't call you in those months" lisa said apologetically

"Nahh. It's okay. It's your life, lisa. I have mine too. We all have separate lives. I understand" jisoo said while rubbing rosé's hand with hers.

"Thank you. Bye-bye, unnie"


With that, jisoo hung up and started the engine.

As their vehicle run through the rode, jisoo opened the car's bluetooth. Connecting her phone, she played the song Fly me to the Moon by frank sinatra. The song fits the romantic moment formed between them.
Rosé's heart flutters hearing the song's lyrics. Jisoo started singing which made her girlfriend's heart raced in her chest like it was on a marathon and butterflies invaded her stomach.

"Fly me to the moon~ let me play among the stars~" jisoo sang the line while staring at rosé who blushed hard.

After minutes of the romantic moments, jisoo dropped rosé outside the house.

"Bye, baby. Just don't forget to wear those clothes and jewelries we buy when we date" jisoo said

"Thank you for today, babe. I had fun. I'll wear it for for our date" Rosé pecked jisoo's lips and climbed out on the ford ranger.

She waved her hand on jisoo and watched the car leave. Opening the door, she stepped inside. It was 6 PM in the evening.

'Thank god, I arrived early or my mother will give me some ranting sessions' she mentally said

Rosé slumped her body on the mattress and sighed loudly. She didn't realize she fell asleep due to exhaustion.


I was currently roaming around the castle. Their were demon knights guarding every single gate. They stand completely firm. I saw some new demons that were trained by their commander to be a demon warrior.

I started to get comfortable around me. I don't know, but I'm liking this new world I'm in.

"Good morning, your highness" the maids greeted me before bowing.

I bowed in return. They walk past me and I continued roaming around outside the castle. This place was enormous. I couldn't help but feel amazed. I wonder how was my people in Wolvesvania. A little concern formed in my heart.

I continued walking until I stopped into a big tree. There were writings on it.

'Fear not thy enemies, for they are deceivers and traitors in the sight of thine eyes'

I was amazed by the calligraphy. I knew what is means. Stepping closer, I grazed my hand onto the writing on the tree. It was deep but not too deep.

"Enjoying yourself there, honey?"

I turned my back on the familiar voice. I saw the queen in front of me with her red gown, sitting on the chair in front of me. It was too quiet, then I realized that I was in the garden and she was here too. We were alone and no one was here.

Why does fate want? I couldn't understand. I got irritated.

"Why are you here?" I asked plainly

"Can't I go here? Besides, it's my place you're in" she said while drinking her tea.

I shut my mouth. Damn, it's like she slapped me in the face. I turned around and admire the sight before.

I was too occupied admiring things that I didn't realize that she wrapped her arms around my waist. I struggled to get out from her grip. It's no use, even If I try to dislodge her arms, her grip became tighter than ever.

I let her. She laid her head on my back and sniff my scent.

My heart started to race. This is wrong, I should stop this, but my heart object. it's betraying me.


He smelled so good.

Damn this perfect body of his. It was so muscular. I can feel all of his ripped muscles from front to back.

I giggled and hug him tighter. Feeling his warmth was the best feeling I'd ever had and It makes me wet too.

I love him at the same time obssessed with him. I can't let him go. I'm a psycho Queen. I won't let anyone have him except me.

It was dawn and I let him go.

"Let's go back inside, baby. It's getting dark" I said

I thought he'll decline, but to my surprise, he nodded and head inside the castle. It was new.

I followed his steps. He went inside his room and was about to close it when I stopped it with my hand.

"What?" he asked with confusion written on his face

"Remember that my room is renovated and I told you that I have to stay here for a week" He huffed in frustration and open the door widely which make me grin.

I sat on the bed while he went to the bathroom. As I heard the water splash, an idea came into my mind. I stripped off my gown and head to the bathroom.

Thankfully, the door wasn't locked. I care fully open the door and close it.
Getting behind him, I hug his waist. He flinched too hard that his head hit the tile wall. He groaned and turn around, eyes blazing with anger.

The water cascading from his head to his body and it was so hot. He was too attractive and I have to resist the urge to have shower sex here.

"What are you doing here?!" he exclaimed

**Author's Note**

Surprise! I double the update for ya'll guys!

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