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The squad and lisa arrived at the kingdom with shopping bags on their hands. Inside of it was full of decorations that they will be using later.

"I want you all to keep it. Make sure that jennie won't see it. Set it up later at 5 PM. Okay, go" lisa said and watch the squad ran.


Jennie was roaming around the castle. As she walk, she saw lisa's squad running for their lives with the shopping bags on their hands.

"Stop" she said and rhe squad froze.

"H-hello, j-jen" jeongyeon said as the squad gulped in fear. They knew, they fucked up.

"What's that?" she asked

"That's for--" wendy shut seulgi's mouth with her hand before she could answer jennie.

"That's our snacks. We'll watch movies later so we decided to buy foods" wendy said.

"Oh, really? Okay, you all can go now" she said.

Before the squad could take a step, jennie stopped them again.

"Wait. Where's lisa?" she asked.

"He....ummm... Went to the Emperium bar" momo said and all the squad look at her.

With that, jennie felt her blood boil and smoke come out of her nose and ears. Wrong move, manoban.

"Yah! You weren't supposed to say that!" wendy said and smack momo.

"Lisa told us not to say anything about it" jeongyeon said as she face palmed.

"W-were gonna go, jen. Bye" seulgi said.

"Run" momo said and all of them run.

Jennie glared at the door beside her.

"Wrong move, manoban. I'll punish you later"

She went inside their room and took a bath. After showering, she wear the red off-shoulder dress with a slit from her thighs to her toes.

She applied make up on her face and comb her hair.

She went outside and call her maid.

"Yes, your majesty?"

"Prepare the limousine"

"Yes, your majesty"

A little later, a limousine parked in front of her. The driver stepped out from his seat and opened the door for her. She sat and the driver closed the door and went back into his seat.

"Where to, your majesty?"

"Emperium bar" she said and the driver starts the engine and took off.


Lisa was inside the bar, sat on one of the stools with a shot of vodka on his hand. He gulped the shot and asked the bartender to give him more.

The limousine parked at the entrance of the bar. The driver opened the door and jennie stepped out of the car.

She entered the bar and saw a lot of people dancing in the middle. Men were ogling and whistling at her which she ignored.

A hand were suddenly placed into her waist as the person's hard on pressed onto her backside.

'Small' she uttered in her mind.

"Hey, babygirl. Do you want to spend a night with me?"

Her blood boil and she reached her highest temperature.

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