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Jennie smirked and latched her hands on his chest; feeling his heart beats rapidly underneath her palms.

"Why your heart's beating so fast?" she asked

Lisa was nervous at the same time he felt happy. He was having mixed emotion. He couldn't understand anything.

"Cat got your tounge, darling?" she asked, snapping him. Seduction laced on her voice that he couldn't even stop himself from falling into her trap.

Suddenly, both arms were wrapped into his neck. Hands were playing the baby hairs on his nape. He shuddered in response. The Queen smile seductively.

They were both drenched. Body pressed against each other. There were silence between them until lisa broke it.

"Why did you enter the bathroom without telling me?" he asked

"Oh, so you're letting me in if I asked permission?" a grin plastered on her face.

Lisa mentally smacked herself at his question. What he was thinking?

Before he could answer, a pair of lips smashed into his lips. His hands gripped her hips and lifted her up making her wrap her legs on his waist. He couldn't resist the temptation, he gave up. It felt so right.

He leaned her on the tile wall. Tounges were battling for dominance. Hands roamed each other's body. Water cascading to their faces down their bodies.

The blood surge down his cock. It immediately hardens to the fullest. He sucked her breast. Tounge lapping on her nipple. Jennie arched her back, her hands found lisa's hair and grasped it.

"A-ahh...lisa..." she moaned

Lisa kneeled. His hands puts her legs on his shoulder. He a gave long lick on her pussy. Jennie squirmed and moaned loudly.

He lapped on her cunt. She was screaming under his touch.

"Lisa! Ahh!" she yelled his name and moaned loudly, not caring if the maids hear her.

Lisa shoved her two fingers on her pussy. The Queen tightened her grasp on his hair and screamed.

"Oh, fuck!"

Suddenly, he pulled his fingers out losing the warmth. Jennie was about to speak when he shoved his tounge on her pussy. He was tounge-fucking her.

"Ah! Lisa! Oh my god!"

She was even more wetter than before. Lisa continued thrusting his tounge into her hole.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" she cursed and pushed lisa's face on her pussy.

"I'm cumming! Fuck" she screamed

She came, bursting into lisa's tounge who was lapping her cunt clean. He stood up and jennie kissed him.

Lisa turned off the shower. Jennie wrapped her legs on his waist while walking towards their bed. Her pussy made contact on his cock and she felt it hardened even more.

His eyes were dark. Darker than the night. It shows lust and desire.

He placed her on the bed, not caring if their bodies and hair were wet. Lisa took his cock and pumped it a few times before ligning it into her entrance.

Without any further ado, he plunged his cock into her pussy. The Queen gasped, her hands went on his broad shoulders. He groaned as warm, wet silky walls wrapped around him.

"Fuck.."he uttered and started thrusting.

"Oh, yes, lisa! Fuck me!" she squirmed underneath him.

Lisa wrapped her hands on his waist and thrust deeper while sucking her breast. Jennie thrashed and was screaming loudly, her legs tightened around his waist.

"Ohhh! Ahh!" she moaned and wrapped her arms on his neck.

Her pussy clenched her cock so tightly that it was hard to move.

"Jennie.....fuck" he groaned, thrusting hard.

"Yes! Yes! Fuck me hard! Ohh!" jennie sobbed in pleasure. Her eyes rolled. It was like the air was knocked out on her lungs.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard that you will not be able to walk for days" lisa said and change his pace, thrusting faster.

"Oh my god, lisa! That was so fucking good!" she managed to utter.

Jennie clenched around him. A loud escaped into his mouth.

"Fuck!" he yelled

Lisa stopped, kneeling infront of jennie. He put her legs on his shoulder and started pounding her hard. The new position makes his cock even more deeper into her cunt.

Jennie gripped the sheets tightly. Her eyes rolled again. Pleasure was consuming her body.

Lisa looked down and watched his cock moved inside her swollen cunt. He became even bigger inside her.

"Fuck! You're so big! Shit!" she moaned

He thrusted faster and harder, reaching for their climax.

'Where is it? Where is-'

"AH!" jennie yelled

He hit her spot repeatedly and jennie sobbed in pleasure. Lisa leaned forward and kiss her, muffling her cries of pleasure.

"I'm cumming, baby.." jennie whispered

"I'm close too" he groaned

With three more powerful thrust, jennie tossed her head as she came on his cock. Lisa was about to pull out when jennie trapped him.

"Cum in me.." with that, lisa let go and cum inside her. Jennie was loving the fluid filling her cunt.

Lisa slumped his body on her, panting heavily and exhausted. He closed his eyes shut.

Jennie was ruffling his hair lovingly. A smile appeared on her face and kissed her king's forehead.

A minute later, lisa fell asleep on her arms. Carefully, she put lisa on the side, not wanting to wake him up. She hissed as she felt his cock slid out of her.

Standing up, she felt her knees weaken. She had difficulty on walking.

Jennie went to the bathroom slowly. She stood up on a mirror and a devilish smile appeared on her lips.

Her hand went on her pussy as she felt lisa's cum oozing out of her cunt. She immediately shoved it back inside of her, not wanting to waste any of his cum.

Jennie was washed her hand and got out of the bathroom, slowly walking onto the bed. She slid onto the blanket and lie down beside her lover who was sleeping soundly. A drool coming out of it's lips, making her chuckled.

She wrapped her hand on his waist and laid her head on his chest before closing her eyes and sleep.

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