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"Babe! My water broke!" my wife shouted and I panicked.

"Call the ambulance!" I shouted, before rushing to jennie's side.

Wendy nodded, calling the ambulance. The rest of them panicked.

"It's okay, baby. Breathe in and out, breathe in nd out" I said gently and she nodded, following my command.

Then, she winces again.

"Where's the fucking ambulance?!" I shouted.

"They'll arrive here any minute now. Please calm down" wendy said unto me.

"How can I calm down?! My wife will give birth to our child! For fuck's sake!" I ruffled my hair.

We heard the ambulance. I quickly rushed to jennie and carry her gently outside the house and saw the stretcher was ready for her to lay down. I lay her down carefully on the stretcher without hurting her. They put her inside the van and I was there on her side too.



"Mrs. Manoban, push" Dr. Lia said

Jennie screamed painfully while clutching lisa's hand so tight until to where the bones started started cracking and lisa stopped himself from screaming in pain.

"I can see the head! A little more, Mrs. Manoban"


With one more push, a cry filled the room. The doctor cut the umbilical cord and took the baby, handing it to the nurses. They immediately wrapped the baby in a towel.

"It's a boy, Mr. and Mrs. Manoban" the nurse handed the baby unto lisa and he immediately cradled the baby in his arms.

Fresh tears drip down his eyes. An overwhelming happiness draped his heart.

"So this is what it feels to be a father" he said and handed the baby to jennie.

She immediately hold the baby and put it on her chest.

"John Brylle" she uttered, smiling while staring at the baby who's staring back at her.

"What?" he asked and sat beside her.

"I'll name him John Brylle Manoban" she said and looked at lisa.

"That was a perfect name for our boy, babe" lisa said and kissed her forehead.

"I'm so tired, baby. I think I need sleep" jennie yawned, pulling the baby close to her.

"Rest, babe. You've done a good job delivering our baby boy. You deserve to rest." he uttered unto her while caressing her hair.

Jennie's eyes closed and let the darkness consume her.

Lisa walked out of the room. His squad was looking at him.

"How was it?" jisoo asked.

Lisa grinned widely before jumping.

"I'm officially a daddy now!" he shouted and the squad squealed and hugged him.

"Shhh! You'll wake my baby boy and jennie's sleep" she shushed and put hands in their mouths.

"It's a boy?!?" the squad questioned excitingly.

"Yes," lisa answered while smiling so proud.

"Oh my gosh! Another limario!" wendy said while clapping her hands.

"This is gonna be exciting!" seulgi said while giggling. Suddenly, her phone rang. She fished her phone out of her pocket and answered the call.

"Yes, babe?....... Okay, I'll be there" seulgi hang and put her phone back to her pocket. She was shaking.

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