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I opened my eyes. A view of the strange room invaded my eyes. I close them again. Memories came back, flooding my mind. No, I can't cry again. I'm not a coward.

Bullshit, why did it has to be like this? I lose again to the Queen. They even find out about our newest tactic. The war didn't even last 2 hours.


"You're weak, my king. I thought, wolves are stronger? Tsk, tsk, tsk. I told you, I will win and I won. I will reign the two clans from now on. Also, I will get and win your heart. Soon, you'll be mine."

"Fuck you!" I didn't finish my sentence when an agonizing pain awakens on my side. Clutching it, I whimpered and lie down the ground.

A person in cloak came. What really broke my heart, when the person removed the cap.

It was Hanbin.

"H-hanbin. You're one of them?" The pain in my heart increases.

"I didn't really mean to, lisa. I was gonna tell the truth to you, but I haven't find the courage to say it"

"Y-you traitor! I trusted you!"

He couldn't even look straight through my eyes.

"I was your foe in the very beginning, lisa."

I couldn't hear anymore. My eyes blurred, then, I faint.

Flahback ends

The sound of the door snapped me. A maid with a tray of food comes toward me.

"Her highness doesn't want you to be hungry. Here, your majesty. Eat this and you will be satisfied"

"Just put them on the bedside table"
The maid put the tray and leave my room.

You think you can control me, ruby jane?


"That feels so good. Hmmm"

The hot water feels so good on my skin. After the war then soaking your body unto the tub filled with hot water was really satisfying. It will ease all the aching muscles on your body and also, help you relax.

I opened my eyes. The red glistening orbs reflecting the mirror. Power, I felt power in them. I wonder what was my king doing today? Thinking about him half naked, seeing those huge biceps with veins running around it, plus the rock-hard abs and sculpted chest made me want to run my hands over it.

A soft knock on my door interrupt me.

"What is it?" I yelled

"Your highness, the king was up and I already leave him the food you told me"


I heard the footsteps faint. Now that I have you lisa, I wouldn't dare to let you go. Standing up, I drain the water and picked up my robe.

Dressed in a red silk bathrobe. I make my way to lisa's room. Only to found out that he was sitting on the bed, eating his food.


"What the fuck are you doing here?" Lisa's voice echoed through the room. Anger laced on his voice.

"Probably checking on you, love"

"Don't call me names, I don't like it" he scowled.

"Sure, love" Lisa ignored her and look at different direction.

"Playing hard to get, are we baby?"

Lisa pinned her to the wall, caging her on between his arms.

I AM A DEMONWhere stories live. Discover now