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It was a fine day.

Childrens were playing and giggling at themselves. Their laughter made the kingdom of demonzilla brighter and beautiful. The people who saw the childrens can't help but smile while walking past them.

The King and Queen along with the squad decided to stroll around the kingdom. They stopped at every store they saw.

"Yah! That was mine! Jeongyeon!!" seulgi yelled. People looked at her. Jennie and lisa face palmed, completely embarassed with their friend's antics.

"I was the first one to get this!" yelled jeongyeon as raised her hands up, not letting seulgi to get the necklace she loved.

"B-but I was the first one to see that. It's unfair!" seulgi fight back.

The two were glaring at each other, ready to fight. Lisa stepped in between them.

"That's enough" his voice snapped them back to reality.

"Aishh, you two were the stubborn demons I've ever met"

"Sorry, bro. It's just that she--" seulgi was cutted off by lisa.

"I'll buy you the gorgeous one seulgi" lisa said.

Seulgi suddenly froze, then she squealed like a pig, making the squad cover their ears. She jumped like a kid and punched the air with a grin on her face.

"I'm so lucky! AHAHAHAHA!" She laughed and hugged lisa.

Jennie glared at her and seulgi immediately remove her hands on him. She clung her arm into lisa's and rested her head on his shoulder, craving for some attention.

Lisa sensed it and told his mate to wait. Jennie pouted and untangled her arm that clung on his.

He looked at the necklace displayed on the table. Lisa grabbed the bear necklace and presented it to the seller.

"I'll be buying this one, maam. How much is this?" he asked

"That's $30, your majesty" the lady said.

Lisa give the lady the money and after that he gave seulgi the bear necklace.

"It was so beautiful, lis. Thanks, bro" seulgi said and asked wendy to help her wear it.

"Baby, what do you want?" Chaeng said and mina blushed at the endearment.

"I-I want the sword necklace chaeng if that's okay with you...." she mumbled.

Chaeng heard it and grinned, "I'm okay with it, babe"

"How much is this, madam?"

"It's $25" lady said ang grinned.

"I'll take it" chaeng said and paid the seller.

She stood behind her and help her wear the necklace.

"Thank you" mina said. Chaeng gave her a peck on her lips.

"Gross" wendy mumbled, receiving a smack on the head from chaeng.

Jennie walked away from lisa, feeling disappointed that he won't give her attention. She stood beside nayeon and looked away.

Lisa took this as an opportunity and buy the sun and the moon necklace. He wears the moon necklace. He will surprise jennie later.

As they arrived at the castle, jennie continued to ignore lisa and stepped inside their room without waiting for lisa.

Lisa felt guilty and followed her mate inside the room. He put his hands onto her waist and turned her around, making her face him.

"Jen, I'm sorry" he said and wrapped his arms on her waist before kissing her gently.

Jennie kissed back and a naughty idea entered her mind. She pushed lisa on the bed before tearing his shirt. Grabbing the handcuffs, she cuffed his hands on the bedpost. He was surprised at her actions.

"You've been a bad boy, baby. You have to be punished" she said and pull his undergarments down before taking his cock into her hands and started to tease him.


After hours of rough love making, they slept while holding each other tight.

After an hour, lisa was the first one to woke up. It was noon. He smiled at his mate. Tonight he will ask her to marry him.

His phone rang. He saw jisoo calling him. Picking it up, he answered.

"Yes, unnie?" he said

"I'm finally gonna marry chaeng! I asked her today and she said yes!" jisoo said in excitement.

"Wow! Congrats, unnie! I'm so happy for you! You finally got her!" lisa said, trying not to squeal and end up waking the tiger.

"Yah, wolfie, what about you?" jisoo asked

Lisa frozed at her spot. He almost drop the phone.

"W-what did you said, u-unnie?" he stuttered.

"You thought I didn't know about your true identity, hybrid?" she said. He feels like jisoo was smirking behind the phone.

"Y-you k-knew? H-how?"

"I sneak into your room while you're away, wolfie" jisoo laughed like an evil.

"Fuck" he mumbled.

"How about you, lis? Did you find your mate?"

"Yeah. I'll introduce her to you once I comeback"

"Okay, okay. I'm gonna hung up now, my fiancé's requesting me to buy her food. You know her, she loves food."

"Bye, unnie. See you soon" lisa hung up and stood up from the bed.

He stretched his body and went inside the bathroom to take a shower. After that he wears his royal clothes.

Before he leaves, he kissed jennie's forehead and leaves a love letter on the bed table.


My eyes fluttered open. I turned my head on the side and saw no lisa beside me. I panicked and stood up. I noticed the letter that was placed on the bed table.

Picking it up, I read the letter.

Dear jennie,

I'll be out with the squad, nini. Don't worry I'll be fine. I'll return safe and sound without bruises on my body. I love you so much.



My heart swelled. I kissed the letter before hugging it. I sighed and went back to the bed with a smile on my face.

I squealed. My cheeks reddened and my heart beats fast like it was gonna emerge from my ribcage.


We stopped at the jewelry store and I was the first one to get inside, my squad behind me.

The guards bowed down to me, the same with the people inside the store. I looked at the rings inside the glass, but nothing catched my eyes.

I stopped when I heard some gigglings and turned my head to my squad. The three idiots seulgi, wendy and momo were silently ogling at the thick girl infront of them. Jeongyeon smacked them and they stopped.

I turn back and my eyes finally caught something. It was a ruby ring.

Jennie will definitely love this. I smiled.

"Miss I take this ruby ring"

The lady nodded and packed the ring into a golden little box.

I got the ring and we went out of the store with a smile on my face.



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