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I woke up from an unfamiliar room. The sun was up and the birds were chirping as if they singing a song to lull me back to sleep.

I shook my head. Trying to sit up, an agonizing pain strike through my side. Shit, how can I forget that I was shooted by an arrow two times? I carefully lowered my body again.

As I was about to close my eyes, the door open. Revealing jennie with her bathrobe. I looked away, turning my head to the side before sighing loudly. Enough for hee to hear.

She sat on the bed and unintentionaly touched my bondaged wound, I groaned in pain. Jennie retreat her hand.

"I'm sorry, baby" she uttered

Without saying a word, I closed my eyes and breathe deep. Then, the pain strike again when I'm breathing. Fuck, it gotten worst.

"How are you feeling, darling?" she asked

It's not bad if Answer her, right?
"I-I'm okay, it's just that.... It hurts too much"

"This is the first time that I hear your voice softened at me" she said and stared at my eyes.

Fuck, my heart's beating so fast right now. I felt butterflies attacked my stomach.

She broke the staring and brush my hair, I felt anger when she do that, but one try won't hurt, right? I let her do that until I fell asleep again.


My baby fell asleep again. The urge to fuck him was really high. Instead, I untie my robe, revealing my two piece.

Lying beside him was a dream come true. I really wonder how does it felt like sleeping beside this very handsome creature? I felt happy.

I wander my hands on his body and my hands found my favorite. His cock. I dipped my hands on his short and grasped it. He was so huge and it felt very good when I had him inside me last night.

Playing with his balls, he groaned. I pulled back my hand and put it on his waist and sleep. My breast was pressing against his arms.


It was night when the two woke up. They stared at each other, as if they were really inlove.

Lisa realized that he was staring too long, so he decided to cut it off and looked up.

"How was your sleep today, baby?"

"I-I'm okay" lisa gulped and turned his head to look at jennie's red orbs.

"Good. Do you want to eat? I'll command the maid to bring us food here" she asked.

Lisa nodded, looking down, lisa found out that the Queen was wearing a two piece. A fucking two piece! He immediately regretted looking down.

"Like what you see, love?" jennie chuckled sexily before smirking.

Lisa was snapped at her voice. She look away.

Jennie stood up and wear her robe. She walked out of the room, going to the kitchen.

Lisa heard the door opened with jennie holding a tray of food.

"Dinner's ready, baby" she said.

"It's already evening?" he asked
"Yes" she replied.

"Fuck" he cursed.

Jennie put the tray on the table and helped lisa sat up. Picking up a spoonful of food, she feed her. Some spilled on his naked chest. She ducked down and sucked the food while looking at him.

Lisa groaned while chewing the food. Licking it clean, jennie pulled out. She put a piece of meat on her mouth, sticking it out and leaned her head closer.

"Eat it" she said

"I-it's i-in y-your mouth" he stuttered

The Queen glared at him, he couldn't do anything but bite the meat. Their lips met and kissed passionately. Jennie held the back of his head before deepening the kiss.

'I took my words back when I said that I will not let her own me' he thought.

He was confused on his feelings this past few days. Now, he realized that he was inlove with the Queen!

'Fuck the food!' he said mentally.

In a split of seconds, lisa was on top of her. Jennie was confused, but soon recovered when lisa initiated the kiss. The food was on the bedside table, so it doesn't spill on the floor.

They pulled out of the kiss. Jennie stared at her ocean-blue eyes. It was sparkling with lust and desire. Jennie smirked and pulled him harshly for a kiss, legs wrapping on him waist. She was so wet earlier and what happened now make her even more wetter.

Lisa felt his cock harden and grind on her wet pussy. He looked down and saw a her soaked panty.

A sharp pain tugged on his side, but he didn't care. Pulling his shorts down, his cock sprung out.
Aligning it on her pussy, he thrusted, jennie screamed and scratch lisa's back. Shouted his name loudly before pulling his hair to kiss him har---

Lisa woke up. It was morning. He really slept all day last night and didn't take a dinner.

'Fuck, a wet dream. It happened twice now' he said through his mind

Turning his head on the side, he saw jennie sleeping peacefully. He softened.

'She looked so beautiful' he said mentally.

A pair of eyes opened and saw him looking at her. A smirk appeared on jennie's luscious lips. Lisa blinked her eyes and looked up to the ceiling.

He felt a hand wandering on his stomach which made him uncomfortable. Then the memory of him being shooted came back and anger filled her heart. He was furious.

Lisa scooted to the left and felt the warm of jennie's hand leaving his skin.

"Are you afraid of me, baby?"

Lisa didn't answered and continue looking up.

There was a long silence between them before lisa broke it.

"Why did you shoot me?" he asked coldly.

"I don't want you to escape the castle and leave me. You leave me no choice, so I have to shoot you to bring you back on the castle and on my side. You are mine, lisa. No one else. I'll take all the chance for you to be mine" she said.

"I'm not yours, jennie. You don't own me"

"Yes. Yes, I own you. You're mine"

"I said that I'm not yours, jennie? Why is that so hard for you to understand?!" he shouted.

"I don't care of what you said. All I know is that you're mine" she said before putting her robe and went out of the room.

She slammed her door loudly and scream. Her nails elongated and scratched the wall, marking it.

Jennie was livid, she wants to kill. Instead, she ruined her all of the things that were on the table.

"You will be mine, lisa. I'll use all of my charms to lure you and fall inlove with me. You'll be attracted to me" she uttered before smirking and laughing evilly.

**Author's Note**

Here's your update guys!😉

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