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Two weeks later....

"Your highness, we finished the decoration for tomorrow's ballroom" the maids said while bowing with respect

"Good. You may now rest, it's past 10 PM" she said plainly

"Yes, your highness"

The maids bowed again beforing going to their quarters.

Jennie stood up and went to the balcony. The wind brushing her cheeks. She closed her eyes while savoring the coldness of the air against her skin.

She opened her eyes and sighed loudly. Turning her back, she went to her room and sleep.

The moons shine so bright. Lisa was in deep sleep. His wound were fully healed, a scar appeared on his skin.

The next day...

It was dawn. The castle were slowly filled with guests. Loud talking and laughter was heard with some instrumental music.

They were all enjoying the food and drinks that were served
"The King and Queen has arrived"

All the guests stopped when the Queen arrived. They all bowed and was stunned by the beauty of the Queen.

A goddess indeed.

Then, they all gather their attention to her partner. All of the ladies were having heart eyes when they saw lisa.

He was gorgeous.

They sat together on the throne.

Jennie motioned to start the occasion.

The music started and the guests with partners danced on the stage.

"I don't like what's happening right now" he whispered in her ear. Anger were visible in his tone.

"Why? It's normal, baby. We do this every year, it's the castle's anniversary." she said while biting her lips, looking at him.

"Fuck, I wanna go" he said then leaned back.

"Don't or else you'll be punished heavily" she smirked

Lisa grasped his head and rub his nape. He was so handsome on his white tuxedo. Jennie was licking her lips unconsiously.

A moment later, jennie stood up and grabbed lisa's hand.

They joined the dance and lisa cursed mentally.

He put his hand on her waist while hers on his neck. Jennie's hot breath were fanning his ears.

"You like this, don't you?" jennie asked

"No, I'm not" he was indenial, but actually, deep inside him knows that he is really enjoying the moment.

The Queen licked and nibbled his ear making him gasped.

"Stop it. Were in the middle of the stage" he whispered.

Jennie didn't stop and continue. She bit his ear. Blood flowing, but she quickly lapped the red fluid.

"Delicious" she moaned at his taste

Lisa hissed at the slight pain and gripped her waist tight.

"Fuck, stop it, jennie" he said

"Sure" she chuckled lowly

They danced. Lisa was pretending that they were inlove. Deep inside he was slowly falling for her.


I was jogging here at the park. I met some of the persons who knows me.

My mom woke up two days ago and I'm very happy. I told her that I love her and greet her happy mother's day yesterday.

It was a touching moment when she cried and I cried too. I embraced her.
My phone rang.


"Baby? Can you please buy me food?" My girlfriend rosé asked.

Yes, you heard it right. Rosè was now my girlfriend. I confess my love towards her and I never thought that she loves me back. Lucky me.

"Yeah, sure. I'll do anything for you"

"Thank you, baby! I love you!"

"Love you too" I hung up

I wonder where was lisa. I haven't had some news about him. Maybe he's busy that's why he couldn't call me or text me.

Shrugging, I took a gulped of water and started jogging.

I stopped at seven eleven store and buy my chipmunks favorite food.

An hour later, I arrived at her house.
I stopped knocking when the door opened. She smiled sweetly at me while I present her the food.

"Thank you, baby. You'll always be the best. I love you"

"I love you too"

We kissed under the moon shining so bright in the sky. She kissed me deeper with passion and desire.

I pull away, making her whined. It's better to stop before it goes out of hand.

"I have to leave, baby. I love you"

"I love you too, my chicken chu" I peck her lips before leaving. She waved to me and I waved back.

An hour later, I arrived at my apartment. Sweating, I took my clothes off and turn on the aircon.

I took a shower and wearing my clothes while drying my hair.

After a silencing moment, I slept. Not minding around the surrounding around me.


My baby was so sweet to me.

I giggled before slamming the door shut. Turning around, I clutched my chest.

"Gosh, mom. You scared me" I said while panting.

"What's that?" she pointed at the plastic on my hand.

"Jisoo gave me this" I said

"Oh, your girlfriend is such a sweetheart, honey" my mom said

"Yes, she is" I said before walking back to my room.

Slumping my ass on the bed. I bit my lip while remembering the hot kiss that we shared together.

I felt my cheeks burn. Oh my gosh, I'm blushing! Yeah, Jisoo's effect.

Shrugging off, I opened the plastic and my mouth watered at the sight.

Grabbing the sandwich, I immediately ate it. I was so hungry.

I played the movie 365 DNI while munching my food. Definitely satisfying. I was lucky that she was my girlfriend.

After watching the movie, I went downstairs.

Turning the lights on, I dump the trash on the bin and brush my teeth before going back upstairs.

As I was about to doze off to sleep, my phone dinged. I pick it up and a smile appeared on my face.

'Wanna hung out tomorrow with us?'

My friend sana texted me

'Sure. Where?' I asked

'Your girlfriend's restaurant again. Kekekeke'

I face palmed

'Stop. You're really abusing my girlfriend's restaurant'

'Okay, okay. I decided that we'd go shopping tomorrow. I'll bring my girlfriend tzuyu'

'Okay, bye! Have a good sleep. Goodnight'

'You too, dear. Goodnight'

I placed my phone on the bedside table and sleep.

This is the best night ever happened in my life

**Author's Note**

Here's your update guys!


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