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Lisa looked at kai who were on the ground with wide eyes looking at him. Kai moved backward until his back hits the wall.

Lisa chuckled and move towards his direction. A devilish smile across his face.

"Why so scared? Afraid that I'll execute you all of a sudden? I'll torture you first before beheading you, idiot" his voice was deep and firm.

Kai trembled under him. He was afraid of what will lisa do to him. The strong king of vampire started to feel weak underneath him. He could feel his dark and powerful aura. He knew that he has no match on him. Just a flick of his fingers would set him flying from here to another location.

Jennie watched her king with full of admiration, love and lust flashing unto her eyes. She felt hot while staring at his beautiful, sculpted back. A small moan escaped her lips.

"What the hell, jennie?" sana said while covering her ears, her eyes glaring at her. She doesn't want her ears to be ruined.

Jennie glared at her. Sana immediately piece sign her. Damn, she was scared to death.

A loud bang on the wall immediately snapped them. Their attention immediately move to the two person which is lisa and kai.

"You're a coward, kai. You will never be called strong because you are weak, from heart to mind. You're the weak one between the two of us" he uttered as his hand gripped kai's throat tightly.

Kai felt tears running down to his cheeks. Pain and anger consumed his heart.

The sky was dark. The rain was heavy with thunders continue apearing every minute.

"I won't let you underestimate me like that" he whispered and lisa heard it.

Kai sceamed loudly and lisa stepped back. The room was surrounded with white light.

As it vanish, kai has black wings appeared on his back. It was small compared to lisa's big ones. His eyes were red and his fangs elongated.

A laugh escaped kai's lips and stared at him with a smirk on his face.

Lisa was leaning on the statue, looking at his fingers while waiting for kai to finished.

"I am much stronger than you now" kai said as he boast infront of him.

Lisa didn't even care, "Are you done?"

"You bastard! I will show you who is the strongest one and that is me! ME!" kai fumed in anger before lunging at lisa.

He fled away before kai could hit him. Lisa flapped his wings. He was floating on the air. Kai followed and he managed to hit him on his jaw.

Lisa slumped down the ground. He stood up and coughed.

"What will you say, lisa? I've killed thousands of enemies with this power" A smug smirk flashed into his face as he landed onto the ground.

"That was the weakest shit I've ever received" lisa said as he removed the dust on his pants.

"What did to you say?!" kai was furious at his reponse.

"I said it was the weakest shit I've ever received from you." lisa replied as he smirked

Kai screamed in anger before lunging and attacking lisa. His fist was ready for a punch. He was too blinded with anger and he couldn't accept his defeat.

His fist collided with lisa's palm, creating the strongest wind that even some of the warriors flew away from their standpoint.

Kai looked at him with wide eyes. Lisa doesn't move an inch from his location.

"Is that it? Are you done flexing your weak powers?" he asked.

Kai backed stepped backward.

Lisa rubbed his both palms, "It's time for me to show you who is the strongest amomg us"

His eyes became dark and veins visible on his face. A devilish smile cross his face.

Lisa punched his face, sent him flying to the wall with loud bang, creating a hole. He flapped his wings and took kai. His hands gripped his throat, tighter than before.

Kai gripped lisa's hand that was clenching his throat. He was wincing in pain. Blood cascading down on his face.

"You are fool. Blinded with anger, lust and power. You didn't even care about the people around you. You're willing to sacrifice them for your own sake. You forced yourself to them even if they doesn't like you or even love you. That sucks, kai." lisa said as he gripped tightly. His voice held anger and hatred towards the man infront of him whom he barely knew.

Kai trembled in fear. All of his statement were true. He was blinded and was too eager to get what he wants.

"Now, I'll kill you and buried you somewhere far away from here, making sure that no one will ever find your grave"

His other hand gripped his head and tear it off his body. Throwing his head and lifeless body to the ground, lisa turned around to see his mate and friends with a smile on their face.

Atlast, the war ended. Lisa went to jennie's direction and hugged her tightly.

Jennie buried her head on his neck, sniffing his scent before giving light kisses on it. Lisa groan as when he felt the light kisses jennie give him. It was such a relief to hold her finally in his arms after two days of separation.

As they pulled away, they stared at each other's eyes. Lisa leaned in slowly and claim his mate's lips. Jennie's arm went on his neck, her hand on his hair, pulling him him to deepened the kiss they share.

"Uh, guys? We're still here remember?" Seulgi said as her friends nod, agreeing with her.

The two pulled suddenly pulled away. They glared at seulgi.

"let's go, nini before someone will interrupt us on our make out session" lisa said and grabbed jennie's hand. His friends followed him from behind.

"What? Oh, come on." seulgi yelled and run to catch up with them. The squad laughed at her as she bombarded them with nonsense question.



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