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Third person's POV

Lisa arrived in the castle of Wolvesvania, hands balled in rage. He entered the gate.

"My king," bowed the knights, he only nods.

"where are they?" he asked

"In the guest room, your majesty" the knight replied

He scudded to the guest room, barging in, he found his troops looking at him. Chaeyoung and yeri were sobbing. He looked at the lifeless body in front of him. kneeling down, he lifted his hands and slowly closing joy's eyes

"May you rest in peace..." he stood up

"We'll bury her in a place where no one would see us"

The sky roared and heavy rain fall crash down the ground, wetting the soil. Silence took it's place on the room, where all of them are staying.

"I know where to burried joy's corpse" hanbin said

"Where?" chaeyoung replied while wiping her tears

"In the forest"

"Let's go" lisa said shortly and walked out of the room


They walk through the muddy ground, while carrying joy's corpse. Clothes already drenched. They never stopped walking until they reached their destination in the middle of the forest. Lisa and the boys hollowed the ground around two feet and a half.

They finished hollowing. Lowering joy's corpse and engorge with soil.
Little did they now that, two of jennie's personal spies was watching their every move. After what they saw, they immediately fled away and run back to the castle of Demonzilla

On the other hand.....

Jennie sat on her throne, her two spies immediately stop in front of her.

"Did you two have already information about the king of Wolvesvania?" she asked while looking at her red nails.

"Actually, we have... We saw him with his troops burrying the corpse of their dead friend"

"Good. Dismiss."

The two spies bowed and leave. Jennie took a cup of wine and swallowed it while thinking of her next victim.

She stood up and went to her bedroom. She removed her clothes, leaving her completely naked. Entering the bathroom, she stepped in the bathtub, moaning at the hot water engulfing her whole flesh.

About half an hour, she exited from the bathroom and sprawled her body on the bed.


"Strengthen the securities. If anybody invades the castle, kill them, cut their heads and took their entrails. Burned their bodies if needed"

"Yes, your majesty"

"Add up more archers to secure the lower grounds."

"Yes, your majesty"

"I'm hoping all of you to do all your best. I'll leave these matter to you, jinyoung. I'm wouldn't be here. Just call me when things goes out of hand. I'll go now"

"Yes, your majesty"

Lisa stood up and leave the castle. He went back to his apartment.

The rain started falling again. The sky flashed with thunderbolts, roaring through the darkness. Lisa sat on couch, removing his shirt. Grabbing the book on the table, a memory suddenly flashed on his head making the book on his hands fell. A knock on the door interrupted him. He quickly concealed the book under the table.

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