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The sun was up; lighting jennie's face, smiled when she saw lisa beside her sleeping soundly. A drool was coming out of his mouth, leaking the pillow his head rested on.

Jennie chuckled. She bend her elbows on 90 degree to support her head with her palms. Lisa shifted in her sleep and landed on his back, hand on his torso and the other one gripping the bed sheet. She was staring at him with a smirk on her face.

Lisa felt someone stare at him. He opened his eyes saw her. Suddenly, the events happened yesterday came back rushing to his mind. His face immediately heat up, causing a blush to appear on both of his cheeks.

Jennie chuckled at how adorable lisa is. She moved and hug him, wrapping her arms on his waist. Her legs on his lap, dangerously close to his groin. Breast pressed against his arm.

Lisa could feel her breast on his arm and he could feel her pussy getting soaked, leaking on the side of his thighs. He blushed harder, turning his head on the side, not wanting to let jennie see him enjoying the moment.

"Hmm.. You're so warm" she said and hug him tighter, making her nipples hardened.

Lisa groaned when he felt her nipples turned into pebbles in just a second.
Jennie smirked hearing her king groaned. That was such a turn on. It made her even wetter. Her desire to be fucked again by him was too high. It was a surprise that she got a good control on it or else she will intiate it first.

Few minutes later, a knock on the door interrupted them which made jennie irritated. It was such a wrong time.

"What?" she asked

"The King of Vampires wants to discuss something important with you, you're highness" the maid said

Her eyes widened. She immediately stood up and hurried to the bathroom, taking a shower. After that she shake the sleeping wolf's shoulder, making him opened his eyes and yawn.

"You have to get up now" her voice was commanding.

"Why?" he asked pouting.

Jennie giggled at his cuteness. She want to squish his cheeks right now, but it was a waste of time. They needed to be downstairs any minute. She wanted to introduce lisa as her husband in front of him, so that he will stop chasing her.

Lisa stood up and went to the bathroom, taking a quick shower.

Minutes passed and they were finished. Their dress was a high quality fabric and was sewn by hands of the tailors inside the castle.

Jennie clasped her hands on his arm. Lisa wasn't complaining even a little bit.

As they descend down the stairs, the king of vampires's eyes were litterally on jennie, like she was a goddess descending from the sky with clouds beside her. His eyes immediately went on lisa. He saw jennie's hand tangled on lisa's arm, he was furious. His blood boiled at the sight of jennie with another man. Little did he know that jennie wasn't interested in him.

Lisa and jennie sat on their throne. Both looked like a greek god and goddesses. Two guards standing besida them.

"My Queen" Kai bowed down 45 degree.

"Don't you dare say that" jennie said, getting irritated.

"Ah, you've become fiercer. As far as I know, you were like a little kitten who were afraid of getting hurt before, but now you were fierce and I like it my queen. It attracts me more"

"If you don't want to die early, leave."

"Damn, so cold.... By the way, who's that man and why is he sitting on that throne that were supposed to be me?"

"Who's him? He's my husband, lisa Manoban. King of wolvesvania" jennie said, a smirk appeared on her lips. She was totally lying. Well, it was good. It was the only way to make the king of vampires stop himself from getting her. She didn't want kai. She want lisa and only lisa. She will be wed to her king someday, but right now, she has to make him fall inlove with her.

Kai's blood boiled, knowing that jennie was married. Jealousy ate him. He was furious. Looking up, his eyes directed to lisa who were also looking at him with expressionless face.

Lisa also felt jealousy. He was ready to pounce the idiot. Hands were formed into fist together. He calmed down when he felt jennie's hands on top of his. It felt so good.

Jennie was smirking while glancing back at forth to lisa and kai. She was amused by lisa. Damn, she was even enjoying it.

'Looks like my baby were ready to fight' she uttered in her mind.

Before it goes out of hand, jennie broke the silence that were beginning to rule inside the castle.

"Kai, enough. Leave this castle before I ripped your head off" she said firmly, glaring into his eyes.

"Sure, but this isn't done yet. This isn't done yet. I'll get what's mine!" with that, kai leave with anger written on his face.

"All of you, leave us alone" she ordered

"Yes, your highness" the guards bowed down and leave them alone, sitting in their throne.

"Damn that idiot, I was so close to kill him" lisa said, jennie heard that and smirk. it was too late to retreat it back.

"What did you say, baby?" she turned her attention on him, smirking devilishly.

Lisa didn't uttered any word.

She ran her fingers on his jaw. Grasping it, she make him turned his attention on her. They stared at each other. Jennie leaned in, slowly closing the gap between them. Lisa grasped her nape and pulled her, crashing their lips together. The pleasure was overwhelming. Jennie was turned on and ready to be fucked. She deepened their kiss and their tounge battle. A moan escaped her lips. Lisa finally found his mate. It was the Queen of Demonzilla.

Finally, he admitted to himself that he finally falls inlove with jennie.

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