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"Tell me what you saw on the Demonzilla's castle" I asked

"They currently have an occasion. Today's the castle's anniversary. I saw the King and Queen dance"

My hands clenched at what I heard from the spy in front of me.

"Leave" I said while gritting my teeth in anger

The man bowed and leave the castle. I throw the glass on my hand. It shattered and spread through the ground.

Just the thought of them dancing makes me wanna kill him. She is mine and will be mine someday. I'm gonna snatch her from him.

"You will be mine, jennie. If I needed to kill him just for you to be mine,  I'll gladly do it in a heartbeat"

A devilish smile appeared on my face.


The occasion finished an hour ago.
I walked out of the bathroom and wear some fresh clothes I got from the cabinet.

Closing my eyes, my relax through the mattress. The softness of the bed touching my skin was relaxing.

As I was about to doze off, the door suddenly opened. I opened my eyes and look at the door. My eyes widened.

Jennie was standing there with her red bathrobe. Beneath it, she was wearing a black two piece.

"Hi" she uttered

I groaned and slumped my body on the mattress again, laying on my side with my back facing her. I'm too tired to argue with her, so I let her.

I felt the bed sunk. Her body was next to mine. An arm wrapped around my waist and a leg on my hip.

A hand roamed around my torso down to my crotch. Up and down. I couldn't sleep. It bothered me too much.

I turned around and face her. She was smirking at me. I frowned.

"What do you want? I can't sleep with your hands roaming around me. Distance please" I said while looking at her irritatedly.

I expected her to give us distance, but to my surprise, she put her hand on my neck and pull me closer to her face. The next thing is, her lips were on mine.

I tried to push her away, but she's too strong. My heart started to pound and my hand unconsiously rest on her waist.

The kiss longed for a minute. She pulled back and stared onto my eyes with evident desire in her red orbs.

I pulled away and kept a distance between us, scooting closer on the window beside the room.

My eyes closed and I doze off to sleep.


He pulled away from me, but I scoot closer and hug his body.

After a few seconds of closing my eyes, the wind was cold that I had to cover us some blankets made by animal's skin.

I hugged him closer, feeling his body heat radiating and it's warming me, I don't wanna let go.

He was the only person I want in my life, not anyone else. I'm obsessed with him. If someone will dare to ruin our relationship, I won't hesitate to kill him or her.

Yes, I'm super psycho.


The morning came.

It was barely 7 AM when lisa woke up from his deep sleep.

He couldn't feel the Queen beside him, he sighed in relief.

Standing up, he cracked his bones and yawned while scratching his head. He went to the bathroom and set a hot shower.

He put his hands on the tile wall. Waters running from his head to his body. There was moment of silence, then he decided to wash himself with a soap.

On the other hand, jennie was already in lisa's room. Sitting on his bed with legs crossed, waiting for lisa to come out from the bathroom.

After an hour in a bathroom, he stepped out with only a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was drenched. A delicious sight for jennie, she licked her lips while staring at him like a prey.

As lisa looked up, his eyes widened.

"What are you doing here?!" he asked while yelling

"Relax, baby. Calm down. I just wanna stay here for a week. My room was a wreck. The carpenter said that he was able to finish it in a week. So, don't be mad, baby. Aren't you happy to see me here?" she asked, batting her eyes lashes at him.

"No, I'd rather die than to see you here" he mumbled

"What did you say?" she heard every single word, her blood boiled.

"Nothing" he said plainly before picking up clothes from the closet and stepped inside the bathroom to wear the clothes.

"just wait, baby. Soon, you'll be wrapped around my finger" she clutched her head because of anger. She couldn't scream. Instead, she lie down on her king's bed and sniffed his scent.

It was refreshing, so masculine. She buried her face on his pillow. Jennie slept while sniffing lisa's scent from the pillow.

A minute later, lisa stepped out of the bathroom, fully dressed and ready to went outside the room when he suddenly saw jennie sleeping on his bed.

Without any further ado, his feet drag him to the bed and sat on the mattress. Something tugged at his heart and started carressing the Queen's mandu cheeks, wiping excess hair covering her beautiful face.

Then, he realized was he was doing and stopped on his tracks, retreating his hand from his face. He stood up and got out of the room, closing the door.

As he leaves, jennie's lips curved into a smirk. She was awake the moment lisa stepped out of the bathroom and pretended that she slept.


Chaeng and I were currently roaming around the mall, picking up the best store to buy some good stuff.

"Baby! Chanel!" she pointed her finger at the store.

I smiled and giggled. She was so cute.

"Okay, we'll go there"
As we walked towards the store, lisa came into my mind.

'Is he okay? Why he didn't call me these past few months? I miss my bestfriend. His advice were really good, but he doesn't have any girlfriend yet" I said through my mind

"Babe, what about this? Do you like it?"

My girlfriend's voice snapped me out. I shook my head and blink my eyes multiple times.

"Yes, I like it. You looked so sexy" I said. She was really sexy on that outfit.


"Yes. Get that, were buying that outfit"

"Yey!" she happily clapped her hand while getting the outfit and grabbed my hand to lead us to the counter.

We exited the mall. We were on the car when my phone suddenly rang. I picked it up and answer immediately. Maybe it was business.

"Hello?" I said

"Chu.." a deep voice answered and my jaw was hanging.

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