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"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Having fun on yourselves?" kai said while playing with the sword on his hands before looking at them.

"What are you doing here?" lisa asked, putting jennie behind him.

"Didn't I tell you that I will get what's mine?" he spoke as his gaze pierced into lisa.

"You will never get her because she's mine" he said firmly, growling onto him.

Kai fumed in anger. He licked his lips before lunging onto him. Luckily, lisa pushed jennie and dodged kai's attack.

"Jennie! Get out of here! Run!" he yelled as he saw jennie laid on the grass far away from him.

Jennie couldn't help but worried at lisa fighting kai. She had trust on him so she stood up and run without looking back.

She kept running until she got inside her secret cabin, hid under the ground. More likely, underground house.

She sat on the bed and cried her heart out, feeling worried on lisa. She clutched her chest and took a deep breath before calming down.

"He will be alright. He will not die. He'll be alive" she muttered under her breath.

On the other hand...

It was intense. The two was not willing to give up. Lisa ripped his shirt and howling. He transformed into a big alpha wolf. Black fur covered his body, his blue-ocean eyes shines under the moonlight, glaring at his opponent.

This time lisa was the one who lunged at him, he rolled into grass. Kai was underneath him and punched his gut. He groaned in pain before stepping back. The idiot smiled.

"I never thought that a punch on the gut will affect you that much. Your too weak for a king. You don't deserve the throne. It needs a strong leader, not a weakling" he said while smirking at his state.

'Maybe you're the weakling, you bastard! I'm not weak! I'm stronger than you' he mentally said.

Growling, lisa showed his sharp teeths. Eyes showed anger and hatred. Kai just smirked at him. He spointed his sword towards him.

"You will die in my hands" he said

They both run and lunged. Kai slumped hard on the ground with lisa pinning him. He struggled before punching him in the gut again. The alpha released him. He took advantage of it and stabbed him on the side.

Lisa whimpered in pain. Kai retrieve the sword and watched him fall on the ground.

Lisa turned back into human form, clutching his side before grunting in pain. There were bruises around his body, some were bleeding.

"Is this your way of telling me that you're strong? You can't even defeat me or put bruises on me. Fuck you for existing." kai said as he punched his face and he went unconsious.

Two vampire guards approach kai. They bowed down.

"Picked him up and bring him with us. Once we got home, put him inside the dungeon"

"Yes, your majesty" the two guards bowed down before picking up the king who were unconsious.

They backed out and went to their kingdom. A person went out from the bushes. It was hanbin. He made his way inside the kingdom, avoiding the corpse laying on the ground. He was trying to find the queen, but there was no sight of her.


Jennie stepped out from her secret cabin. She looked from left to right. Sensing that there was no danger, she ran back into the castle.

Corpses were scattered around the ground and blood painted walls. Guards were collecting the dead bodies and buried them far away from the castle.

Hanbin spotted the queen. He immediately rush into her and bowed down.

"My Queen, I have a bad news" He said as his eyes showed worry.

"What is it?" she replied, her heart were beating so fast like something happened.

"The vampires abducted the king" he said and looked down.

Jennie collasped on the floor, tears of anger ran down her cheeks. She balled her fist and screamed, making the ground shake.

All of the survivors trembled when the queen opened her eyes. It turned dark. She blinks her eyes and it turned to normal. Then, her heart ache, wanting to cry again but there's no more tears coming out from her eyes. All she need to do is to ready her warriors and save her king from the ruthless king of vampires.

Anger ruled her heart. Swearing that once she saw kai she wouldn't hesitate to kill him and tear his head from his body and put it on the stick. She will not show mercy.

"Wait for me, baby. I'll save you" she uttered under her breath before leaving the throne, heading through the meeting room where all the hoplites and commanders were waiting for her, then discussed the plan and how they will save the king.



Lisa whimpered as the strike of whips continued hitting his back. His two hands were cuffed above and he was kneeling on the floor. Blood cascading from his head to his face. He was tired and weak, wanting to rest but the guard didn't stop whipping him.

'Damn it! Fuck!'


The sounds of whips echoed from the dungeon to the throne where kai was sitting and a cup of tea was on his hands. He smiled devilishly. He felt satisfaction and joy crept to his heart, knowing that he held the king of demozilla as a prisoner. Sooner or later, he will kill him before the Queen could arrive here and save him.

He stepped out from the throne and walked inside the dungeon, stepping inside prison where lisa was. He raised his hand to stopped the whipping.

Lisa looked up to see kai smirking at him.

"Having fun there, lisa?" he mocked.

Lisa grit his teeth in anger. He spit blood and it landed into his face. A punch collided on his face.

"Don't you dare disrespect me, manoban. I'll tell you directly, I'll get jennie from you" he said as he grip lisa's jaw.

"Don't you dare get her because she's mine! She loves me not you!" he pat and another blow landed on his face.
Kai was fuming in anger.

"Continue" he motioned the guard before leaving.

"Once I escape here, I'll kill you kai. I will fucking kill you!" he shouted in anger. Whimpering when the whipping continue.

'I swear, I'll fucking kill you. You bastard!'

Little did he know that he has hidden powers inside his body. Only hanbin knew his true identity. It was the powerful that no one can defeat.

He doesn't know that he was a hybrid.



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