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They arrived at the castle. The people shouted at victory. All of them have smiles on their faces, some of them teared up because of joy.

"Long live the Queen! Long live the King" they chanted and said the word repeatedly.

Lisa's squad and his mate smiled back at them. His mate wrapped her arm on his waist, hugging him tightly.

The two stood in their throne while the squad stood beside them. Jennie raised her hands, signaling them to stop the chant. The people stopped chanting and jennie lowered her hand.

"Tonight, we will be celebrating the victory of the Demonzilla and we will also celebrating the king's return!" the Queen announced. The people shouted in glee.


The night was full of laughter and enjoyment. All people were enjoying their food, some were dancing in the stage with some music played by the musician.

Jennie and lisa comfortably sat on their throne with a smile on their face.

Lisa held jennie's hand and kissed the back of it. Her heart beats wildly against her chest as butterflies invaded her stomach.

"I love you" he uttered with love shown on his eyes.

"I love you too" she replied back before standing up and grabbing the wine on her side.

She raised up the glass, "For the glory and honour of our triumph, we shall toast and enjoy the day of our victory!"

The people toasted their drinks. Jennie drank hers and sat down the throne. Lisa smiled at his mate, take her hand and intertwined it with his.

"Tzuyu, don't drink too much. We have some other duties to do" sana said and grabbed the drink away from tzuyu'z hand.

"Yah! Nooooo!" tzuyu whined and slumped her hands on the table.

Seulgi and wendy are ogling on some girls passing their table.

"Did you see that chick? Damn, she was thick" seulgi said as her eyes went to her boobs down her legs.

"Yeah. She was so sexy, like the curves are so perfect" wendy said as she giggled.

"She was so hot and sexy... So sexy, like I wanna-- ouch!" jeongyeon whimpered as nayeon twist her left ear.

"What did you say?" nayeon's voice held venom.

"U-um.... I said s-she was not as sexy as you. Y-you were sexier than her." jeongyeon stuttered, completely under her girlfriend. She lowered her head.

The squad laugh and tapped the table.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Didn't know that you were under!" tzuyu said as she clutched her stomach that were starting to ache.

"Y-yah!" jeongyeon exclaimed, but tries not to explain because there's nothing to explain. She was really under her girlfriend.

Lisa's squad was the only loud inside the castle and when they notice that everyone was staring at them. They shut their mouth and their cheeks was red in embarrasment.

It was to go home. All of the demonzilla's people got home and lisa's squad bid their goodbyes and return in their room.

"Let's go inside our room, jen. People's now gone" he said. Taking jennie's hand, they went inside their room.

As they were inside the room, lisa smashed his lips on jennie's. The Queen was surprised. It took her a second to respond.

Lisa was the first one to pull away and cupped her cheeks while looking into her eyes with desire and lust.

"I miss you so fucking much. Two days without you felt like two years of separation from you" lisa said as he brushed his lips on the weakest point her neck and his hands went on her waist.

Jennie moaned and ripped lisa's clothes, needing to feel his skin underneath her palms. Her fingernails slid from his chest to his abs down to the bulge forming underneath the tight pants he's wearing.

Lisa groaned when jennie cupped his cock. It hardened even more from her touch. He didn't waste anytime and grabbed jennie's legs, making it wrapped around his waist as they kissed non-stop.

He placed her on the bed. Lisa pulled away and ripped jennie's clothes, leaving her bare underneath his gaze. Her breast were beautiful and the size was perfect. He leaned down and suck on of her breast. Jennie arched her back, grasped lisa's hair to pull him more down on her breast.

"Hmmm.." she whimpered when lisa moved from the other one. She was wet and aching for him.

"Lisa, please. I want you inside me now" she pleaded.

Lisa stood up and remove her pants along with his boxer. His cock sprung out from it's cage, veins were visible on the side of his shaft and the mushroom head was red.

He got into the bed and lay down between her legs, he positioned it on her entrance before entering her; filling her to the core.

Jennie gasped as she finally felt his cock buried deep inside her pussy. She clenched around him and received a groan from her mate.

"Move" lisa obeyed and started moving, started slow thrust. Savoring the moment.

"Ah! Ah! Fuck!" jennie moaned and wrapped her legs on lisa's waist.

"Faster! Shit!" she cussed as lisa went faster.

Sounds of skin slapping were heard through the room. Lisa groaned as jennie clenched harder on her.

"Fuck! Jennie!"

Lisa wrapped his arms on her waist and fuck her harder as the bed moved and slammed against the wall.

"I love you" he uttered while fucking her hard. Jennie clenched at his words.

"Ohh! Ohh!" she moaned.

He hit her g-spot repeatedly asshe screamed with ecstasy. She was drunk with pleasure.

"I love it when you come around my cock, baby."

"Lisa! Ah!" she could feel every inch of his cock and buckled her hips, thrusting back into her.

As when lisa felt jennie was about to come, he fastened his pace and sucked one of her breast. Her eyes rolled on pleasure.

"Come, baby, come. Let me feel you bursts and milk my cock" lisa said

With a scream, jennie bursts around him, clenching tightly like she doesn't wanna let go. Lisa came inside her with a high-pitched moan.

They were panting as lisa slumped beside jennie. She put her arms on his waist as she pant heavily, letting her lungs sucked the air.

"That was so good, baby. I wish we could do it in another time" jennie said.

Lisa hovered over jennie, hands on either side of her head. Jennie was surprised.

"Do you think I'm done with you? I'm not, so better be ready because I'll make you scream non-stop" lisa said as he slid his cock inside her sperm-filled pussy.

Jennie moaned and put her arms on his neck as she moaned.

The room was filled with groaning, screaming and moaning as lisa took her again and again until they were tired and ready to sleep.


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