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Jennie walked out of the room, finding her king. The place was so quiet and pieceful, yet here she was, humming a song and giggling.

There's no silhouette of lisa on every room she visit. It disappointed her.
It was difficult to find lisa. The castle were huge and it takes hours to find the missing king.

"Where did you go, baby?" she said, her eyes where glowing red. She was upset.

"Once I find you, I'll punish you hard" she muttered under her breath.

The place was clear until she decided to go to the garden. She had a feeling that the king were there.


The garden was so beautiful and it made me wanna smile, but I don't want to. The pain I was feeling right now was unbearable.

'Remember that you left her before she could say what she feels for you. You are such an idiot' his wolf said

'I know, but she doesn't love me, okay? I accept that she will not be mine forever.'

'You-- Oh my god. My blood is high because of you. Don't jump in conclusion lisa. You didn't even hear her side. Her confession.' my wolf said

I sighed and sat on the chair, supporting my head with my arms.

I heard some footsteps and it was going here. The person stopped behind me.

'Mate is here!' my wolf said.

"Found ya, baby"

It's jennie! Fuck, how would I face her?

I stood up and turned around, seeing her with that devilish smile on her face.

"Why did you ran away, darling?" she asked and stepped closer, until our faces were inches apart.


I couldn't speak and even stuttered in fron of her. I just stared at her glowing red eyes. It was beautiful. Beautiful than the sunset I admire. The most gorgeous eyes I saw in my whole life.

"You don't have to worry, lisa. I love you too"

Did I heard it right? She loves me too?!

'Yes, you idiot.' my wolf said

I stared at her. Excitement, love and admiration were seen into my eyes. I hope she could read them.

The next thing I knew is, she wrapped her hands onto my neck and were kissing right in front of the bright moon. I wrapped my hands on her waist.

I broke the kiss and laid my forehead on hers. A smile broke into my face.

"I love you" I whispered

"I love you too"

Damn, it was so good to hear. It was like music to your ears.

"Let's go inside. It's getting colder here" I said

I closed the our room door and stripped, leaving me into my boxer. Chuckling when I saw jennie eyeing the last piece of my clothes like she want to ripped them off me.

She stood up from my bed and started stripping, leaving her on her bra and lace panty.

'Shit. Not now, buddy' I mentally said, hoping that he wouldn't stand.

She hugged me. Her big breast pressed on my muscular chest. It was heaven.

I picked her up and she wrapped her legs on my waist, arms on my neck.

"Someone's horny" she uttered, giggling.

"I'm not." I respond

We lay down the bed. She unclasped her body against mine and turned around, making her back pressed against my front. I hugged her waist and kiss her shoulder.

She took my hand and placed it on her breast. I was shocked. I was about to retreat my hand when she held it.

"No, I want your hand there, baby" she said and I couldn't disobey her. I was even enjoying it.

"Goodnight" I uttered

"Goodnight too, darling"

I closed my eyes and let the darkness succumb me.


I woke up.

The sun's hitting my face telling me to open my eyes and look at the person beside me. I turned around and saw him drooling on the pillow which makes me chuckle.

I placed my hands on his torso, feeling the ripped muscles underneath my palm. My hands wander up to his chest. A groan escaped his lips and he stirred in his sleep, facing me.

Putting my hand on his face, I caress his cheeks and put my thumb on his plump lips. It makes me want to kiss him.

Suddenly, he woke up and looked into my eyes. A smile broke into his lips and hugged me. Wrapping his muscular arms around my waist and buried his head onto my neck. His breath tickles my ear.

"Good morning" he whispered

"Good morning too, darling. Won't you give me a kiss" I said. seductively trailing my fingers up and down his back.

He pulled away and connected our lips. Tounges battling. I gripped on his muscular back, feeling it tensed underneath my touch.

I felt his cock harden under his boxer and touch my abdomen. I put my leg on top of his thighs and scoot closer making our sexes meet.

I moaned. My gripped on his back tightened as he ravish my neck down to my breast who were waiting for him to suck them.

"Yeah, baby. Suck them" I uttered while panting.

Our morning were filled with our feelings as he was stabbing me with his love. I love every inch of it. It makes me feel alive and completely whole.


Kai was sitting on his throne. An arm rest on the chair's hand. The other hand was holding a cup of wine.
His was full of anger, hatred and jealousy. Those three emotions clouded his mind and heart. His thoughts wandered over that fuels his anger and throw the cup on the ground harshly. The cup were shredded and scattered around the area.

"I'll kill you lisa and retrieve my Queen from you. You will die from my own hands. Better start preparing now because, me, the king of vampires will start the war." he uttered. His gaze were burning.

Let the war begins.

**Author's Note**

I'm so sorry for the wrong typos. It's lisa's wolf not inner. I'm so dumb.

Anyways, here's ya'll update. Sorry for making ya'll wait.

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