playlists of you

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when i see your face
i realized that my heart
doesn't pound as much as before

that your pictures
don't rewind all the memories
we had together
in that time
like a burned CD
on a track

that i'm not as
excited or as restless
as you were when
a new song came out on the radio

that i'm not
trying to see you
or talk to you
or try with you
at all

because why feel such
affections toward someone
who didn't feel their heart sweating
and fingers shaking
at a conversation?

why care for someone who
only knew you
when there was no one else?

i mean
i guess i remember your kind words
like a bad record label
taped into the excitement
of money

i guess i can think of
all the moments
you swore that i was good enough
for you

like i had a chance
if you think
we were even
on the same level

i've learned how much
you've stopped hurting me
by not saying a word

how strong i am
to not think of you
as a bad memory to
another one of our songs

i've realized
how much i've stopped
loving someone
who wasn't listening at all

i hope one day
you get to listen to
the songs you've dedicated to him
and feel the same way i do with you now.

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