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what does home feel like now?
does it still have the very same tiles
we used to run on?

how about the laughter?
the tons of laughter
you'd hear on the walls
of a house that looked like any house
but was different than any home

do you still feel
the cement sensation
of running your fingers
against a poorly drawn drawing,

how does it feel now?

how does it feel?
the house that once
a million things

that set up a kingdom
for a queen
and her knights

how does home feel now?

can i still have your loud music
thumping like
my heartbeat on hard day?

can i still hide?
in the crevices of our old sandbox
small words of confirmation
we'd pray during our darkest times,

is the couch still stained,
with tears of the last fight?

is the lights still out of power?
but still managing
to light a room filled with candles

how about the beer?
where are the corners
you've laid it on

is that still there?
because that's my home

i would go anywhere home is

where is my home?

it is gone like
the sand in that sandbox
it has died with the candles

it was painted white
and prettied up for the next renters

to cover up a fallen kingdom

so how is my home now?
how does it feel like to watch the war
shred it all into pieces

how does it feel
to live in the shards
of a broken mirror

what is it like
to still have the home
that i can never have again?

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